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Five years later...

"1,2,3...and we are live!"

"Today, here with us is the most anticipated face of the past few years, the one behind the astonishing heights Allgaier Corporation reached in past years, please welcome Allea Ciarve."

The camera moved its focus from the host toward the guest, came in sight a figure seated cross-legged on the sofa dressed in a button-up cream silk blouse tucked in plain cadet-blue pants, her hair -pulled back in a soft ponytail- of the same color as her light-brown hooded eyes, and arched brows focused right toward the lens, an upturned nose followed by warm-rosy lips that were curved in a slight smile, clear skin glistening under various lights and her diamond-shaped face with wide cheekbones and a narrow forehead -she seemed young and petite but her aura stood contrary, full of maturity & elegance, her posture straight and poised. Many people may not know how she looked until today, but they were quite aware of her name or at least the name of the corporation. It was impossible to not know of it as in past years Allgaier Corporation's claws were spreading everywhere in the world through its successful projects and investments reaching the city's third and the world's eleventh top corporation, all because of its CEO -Allea Ciarve.

"This is your first official public appearance in the past five years, no interviews, no magazines, and things alike, any particular reason for not appearing in front of any media?" The host smiled toward Allea, after voicing the question everyone was curious about.

Allea's lips curved lightly with her casual response, her voice confident yet soothing, "Not really, you can say I deemed all that unnecessary."

"Then what changed now?"

"Well, my assistants were quite frustrated by the consistency your employees put in pressuring them for the interview, and I couldn't overlook their misery."

At Allea instantaneous reply, Selena -the charming host- gave a light chuckle and agreed while nodding her head, "That they were and see, here you are."

Allea nodded in response. From the past two years, JH Entertainments' -the worldwide distinguished company with a wide range of channels, world-claimed stars, and exclusive and famous hosts, among whom Selena was one of the top, not only she was highly demanded but her appearance was enough to increase TRPs'- has been unfaltering in their persistence to have Allea on their show. It was no hidden fact for years many elite magazines and news channels have approached Allea Ciarve for the interview but none was given a positive answer, except now, and JH Entertainment would like to believe that it was just because of their stubbornness. The audience couldn't help but also share a chuckle with Selena, if it was Allea Ciarve they can understand the reason for their struggle and effort behind it, as they too were the passengers of the same boat.

Beginning with the light conversation, Selena soon dived into the serious discussion, this was the interview she scored after two and she wasn't going to leave anything out, "From a rank of the thirty-fifth to eleventh in just five years, in simple words, how?"

"And in simple words, all I did was to work,, maybe a little too hard, but yes, work, with determination."

"Determination for exactly what, you know with all the success, and the work you put in it, it makes everyone wonder, why?"

Although her words were not clear the meaning behind them was apparent, though from time to time it came into everyone's minds still, none expected Selena to ask this. Allea Ciarve- the step-daughter of the deceased owner & in other words someone who had no right. Then why she chose to give her everything and life working for a company that was not even hers, had no share in it, and in some years will belong to its real keeper. Was she a saint or someone who wants to make her roots so strong that not even a real heir can shake them, who would want to do this all work for someone who was not even related to her by blood?

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