Chapter Seven

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While Copa and I were sitting in his old Toyota on our way back to the school dormitory, I had time to think. I decided to use that time reminiscing the not so good old times.

I promised you the story of Copa's name, so I might as well tell it now. I wasn't the one who gave it to him and neither were his parents. I don't even know who did, but I definitely know the reason for it.

Copa was a reason why our school had to invest a specific program against plagiarism. He didn't get caught copy-pasting just one but two essays for the same history course. So he had to retake the course twice. That's why he's called Copa as an abbreviation from copy and paste. Although I'm not sure why they didn't just call him an imbecile.

"What are you thinking about?" Copa brought me back to the present.

He had changed to much from what he used to be. Copa had the same ash blonde hair and it was just as curly and messy as it was back then. But these days he was usually wearing an ochre beanie, which covered most of it. His eyes were a mixture of blue and grey and he was wearing glasses.

The biggest change was his assertive and calm demeanor. I'm not sure where he got that from, but it definitely wasn't there back at comprehensive school.

"I'm thinking about you", I admitted.

"Oh, are you thinking about how unbelievably handsome I am?" Copa joked and glimpsed me.

"Sure thing", I drawled back with a smile.

We didn't talk much after that, which was fine by me. We had had a lazy Saturday evening and a slow Sunday morning, and even then I was shot. It wasn't all because of Kuisma's morning rituals, I realized, but also because of the adaptation to a new town, school and flat. Starting something new required a lot of work.

I dozed off at some point and I woke up when Copa was already parking the car. It felt strangely nostalgic to be back at the dormitory yard.

"Want to see the flat?" I asked after momentary indecision.

"I thought you'd never ask", Copa sneered benevolently. He mumbled something about getting a price after driving all the way in the middle of nowhere. So I led Copa through the yard to the dormitory and all the way up to my flat.

"Here we go", I whispered wondering why I felt like I needed to sneak around so I wouldn't disturb my roommate. It was my flat too.

"It's just as minimalistic as I thought", Copa answered after quick inspection.

Kuisma was laying on his bed, browsing his phone, but Copa didn't seem to care. I did though, and suddenly I felt awkward with the situation. How was I supposed to talk with Copa now that there was a pair of hostile ears listening?

"Yeah well, it's good enough for me."

I looked at Kuisma's back pondering whether or not I should try to introduce Copa to Kuisma, but I decided not to.

"Okay, so.." It seemed like Copa did mind about our company after all. "I think I better get going", he said and gestured at Kuisma almost like saying "good luck, I leave this to you".

"Here take this", Copa said and placed twenty euros on my palm. Before I could object, he added: "Just take it and buy yourself some proper food, okay?"

Then we hugged and Copa shut the door behind him. I dropped my bag on the bed and stowed the money in my wallet.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't bring all your flings here", Kuisma stated sharply.

"What did you just say?" I frowned.

"I said you don't have to bring all your flings here", Kuisma repeated and sat up on the edge of his bed. He looked impassive, yet belligerent.

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