Chapter Six

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Not again, was my first thought when I heard clamor from the kitchen. This time I bounced up immediately and glimpsed at the time from my cell phone. 5.20 am.

"You can't be serious, I'm trying to sleep here", I snarled.

"Why don't you sleep then?" He sounded guileless and that only made me more irritated.

"It's it 5 fucking am and you think it's okay to switch on the lights and be so loud it's going to wake up the entire building?" I had promised myself to stay calm, but I was exhausted and I really, really didn't have the nerve to deal with his attitude so early.

"Yeah, well, I have a morning practice", Kuisma said and there was a frustrated note in his voice. His face appeared on the kitchen doorway.

Yet my first thought was that I would like to draw him. He was tall.. and so damn attractive. His golden eyes were distinctive and his face was a perfect mixture of softness and sculptural angles. Not to mention his coppery light brown hair that reached his chin.

And the way he was leaning his body on the doorway and how the light from the kitchen formed an auerole to his lean figure.. He looked like an angel. Too bad he was so bad-tempered and ill-mannered.

"Can't you just sneak out like every sensible person does?" I asked, trying to keep anger off my voice.

"It's my room too. Am I supposed to tiptoe here so I don't disturb your harmony? To do everything you want me to do?"

"Keep your voice down", I hushed before continuing: "There's a big difference between slamming doors at 5 am and having to do everything I want."

"Yeah, whatever", Kuisma huffed. I knew it was time to leave the subject, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"We need to talk this through.." I began, but before I could finish Kuisma had already grabbed his keys and slammed the door shut behind him.

It wasn't even half past five and I was already wide awake. I had no idea what I supposed to with him. Would it be too late to ask for another room? Why was it so damn hard to have real conversations with him? And most importantly, who has practices this early?

I had time to ruminate not only my roommate troubles, but also Joakim. I had no idea what he wanted from me, what I wanted from him or even who he was. And what I felt for him? It was way too early to say for sure.

There I was worrying about two people I had just met, when I should have worried about the House. Then again I still had a year to think about that, so I had more pressing matters at hand.

Besides, at this rate I was probably either getting murdered by my roommate or ending up in a prison for killing him in just a week or so.

Fortunately it was Friday, so I had an option to take the weekend of from my new hometown. Not that I had a place to go, since I had already given away my old apartment and there was no way I was going to the House. Nor did I have any money to squander, but I knew I had to get some distance.

So I texted Copa and after the last class I hopped on a bus to the capital city. From there I still had to take a train and after that I would officially be broke.

The bus left five past eight and it was already getting dusk. By the time I'd arrive my final destination, it would be pitch-dark. There was only one passenger on the bus with me, which seemed odd to me. It was the latest bus to the capital on a Friday evening. It was my first time taking the bus, though, so I had no idea whether that was normal or not.

I put my ear buds on and immersed myself in music while resting my cheek against the cold window glass. After one and a half hours the bus arrived to the capital. The bus station was filled with people, just like it always seemed to be.

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