Chapter Seventeen

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When Copa asked, if I wanted to go to the mall, I instantly thought: absolutely not. What I said out loud was: "Why?"

It felt like such a long time ago, when I still enjoyed wandering around the mall. I had grown to a house mouse, and going to a place crowded with people sounded like a nightmare to me.

"I want to buy you a present, obviously", Copa grinned.

"What pre — oh." I can't believe I actually forgot my birthday was on Thursday.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" Copa laughed. I swear he didn't stop laughing until we were in the mall.

I had no idea what I would have needed or wanted, so the task turned out to be rather troublesome. Eventually Copa bought me a sketchbook and a black ink ballpoint pen, because there could never be too many art supplies.

"What do you say about sushi?" Copa stared longingly at our favorite restaurant in town as we walked past it.

"Didn't we just eat?" I objected, although I did have a rule to never say no to sushi.

"Well, I'm hungry and I want sushi, so that's what we're going to have", Copa announced and stomped into the restaurant, paying for two lunches from the buffet. I was starting to suspect the visit was going to be all-inclusive, and even though I was broke, I didn't think it was fair for Copa to pay for my living.

"You shouldn't be wasting all your money on me", I frowned.

"The way I see it is that while you have no money, I do, and you're family, so I can buy you whatever I fancy", he noted in a tone that suggested the topic was already settled.

I wouldn't say I'm a good eater, but when it comes to sushi, I can easily eat three or even four plates. This time I was still full from the last meal, so I could only finish two. After my two plates and Copa's four — I honestly have no idea where all that food goes — we were drinking coffee and lounging on our seats.

Copa had already finished one plate of desserts and he was about to start his second, when someone texted him. He typed an answer and after a couple of seconds his phone beeped again. His lips curved into a warm smile, when he read the text.

"Who are you texting with?" I leaned closer, narrowing my eyes.

"It's just this one guy from work."

There are all these series, where everyone is gay all of a sudden, which feels like stepping into a gay paraller universe. When in reality the chance of everyone happening to be gay in a group is minuscule. Except, of course, if these people are hanging out together because they're all part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

But as I said, it's minuscule not impossible. I was pretty young when I realized I was gay, whereas Copa was already in high school when he figured out he liked both girls and guys.

Paju is the only heterosexual in our group, but of course she's still part of the LGBTQIA+ community. These days most of our group is, but back then it was merely a coincidence.

Copa and Paju's parents are broad-minded and they didn't mind having a bisexual son and a trans daughter. When my dad kicked me out, after finding out I was gay, they took me in until I found myself an apartment. That's probably one of the reasons Paju and Copa aren't just friends, but also family to me.

"His name is Ilari. He's got these incredible chocolate brown eyes and he plays guitar. We have mostly just talked at work and we go jogging together sometimes, but I really think I like him and I think he might be into me too", Copa started babbling, answering to the question I never asked.

It was nice to see that affectionate expression on his face again, after four long years. Copa had vowed he would never date again after having a messy break up with his first boyfriend, but apparently he was finally ready to try again. The rest of our time at the restaurant we talked about Ilari, and for a moment I could put aside my worries. We laughed so loudly the other customers were giving us pointed looks.

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