35. decorate

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"Xen, wake up! We're putting up the tree today!"

Groaning, Xen rolled over such that he was laying flat on his stomach. He shoved his head into his pillow, hand reaching out for Milo's hand, probably. "It's too early for you to be yelling, Milo," he muttered, voice muffled when he shoved his head further into the pillow.

Milo rolled his eyes, getting into bed and straddling Xen, legs on either side of his body. Is this sexual? It's not if I don't want it to be. "Wake up! It's already six or something, I dunno," Milo said, another groan escaping Xen's mouth as soon as he said those words.

"Six? You want me to wake up at six in the morning? How do you not have a headache?"

Shrugging, Milo reached over to push Xen's hair out of his face. "I always have a slight headache. Not migraine headaches, thankfully, but just slight annoyances. They just exist," he explained.

I hate that for you," Xen mumbled, feeling around for Milo's face, a small smile breaking out on his face when he touched his cheek. "Your cheeks are fucking freezing. It's warm under the blanket, come next to me for a second, I'll warm you up."

That did sound appealing to Milo, so he just smiled, clambering into bed with Xen as he wrapped an arm around him, humming at the warmth that Xen practically exuded. "As much as I like—"

"Mm." Xen reached over, eyes still shut when he tried to place a finger on Milo's lips, touching the corner of his mouth instead. "No talking when we're hugging."

Laughing, Milo just slunk further under the blanket, closing his eyes as he let his breathing match Xen's own soft breaths. He knew that there was no way Xen could actually wake up at six in the morning and function like a normal human being, he needed at least another half an hour.

Milo also knew that Xen was practically inhuman before he took his pills, that his day didn't start until he took his medication. Knowing that Xen wouldn't give him a reply, not a proper one, at least, Milo just decided not to say anything else.

However, fifteen minutes later, Milo got bored. Extremely bored. And he was way too excited to start decorating the tree. So, he whispered Xen's name again, bringing his mouth close to his ear, repeating it over and over until Xen said:

"I'm literally going to get hard if you keep saying my name like that."

Oh my. Instantly, Milo burst into laughter, burying his face into Xen's t-shirt to hide the painfully obvious blush that had graced his cheeks.

"I'm so bored, Xen," Milo huffed out, breathing in the scent of Xen's t-shirt, a mix of detergent and citrus, two smells he would have never expected to go together. "You smell good. I wanna kiss you."

Letting out a small laugh, Xen lazily opened his eyes to glance at Milo. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet, I don't think you do," he pointed out, rubbing his eyes as he yawned softly. "I don't want to kill the excited, slightly deranged vibe that you've got going on, so I'll brush my teeth, shower and everything. Okay?"

Milo nodded enthusiastically, lifting his arm off Xen's body so that he could get out of his grasp. Once Xen was gone, he put on a Christmas playlist, one that he'd been listening to for the past week, letting it blare through the room, because he knew that Xen absolutely hated it.

And as expected, Xen groaned from inside the bathroom, yelling out a muffled, "I fucking hate Christmas music, Milo!"

"I know!" Milo called back, humming along to the music as he made the bed, grinning when a song by the Glee cast came on. He glanced around the room, searching for something else to do while he waited for Xen to finish his business. Fuck, I want to paint him.

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