3. boba

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"Boba date! Boba date! Boba date!"

Milo rolled his eyes at Jude's ceaseless chanting, fishing his keys out from his pocket. "Y'all seem to be forgetting that I have to drive Lia home today. She doesn't have her after school shit."

Evangeline huffed. "She can come with us, we love Lia. More than we love you, that's for sure," she teased, reaching over to touch Milo's shoulder. He immediately stepped back, shooting her a confused look.

"Just a leaf," Evangeline murmured, letting it flutter to the ground before giving him a small smile.

"Fine, but no gay jokes around Lia," Milo reminded, watching as Jude puffed his cheeks, poking at them, releasing the air slowly. "Y'all can make jokes about your own sexuality, but don't bring mine into the mix. Please." He chucked, turning around to face Evangeline. "I don't know what kind of jokes a straight person can make, unless they're at your own expense— but anyway. Yeah."

"You're literally gay. We're both attracted to men." And then, she added, "Unfortunately."

Jude shook his head at Milo. "Shut up, men are cute. Well, except for straight men. And you say this every fuckin' time, and I keep giving you the same reply. We're not gonna out you, bitch."

Milo knew that. He did. But that didn't stop him from being any less terrified.

Once Lia reached the car, she grinned, hopping into the passenger seat. Evangeline walked towards her own car, with Jude following her, an easy smile playing on his face.

Milo was almost a hundred percent sure they'd fucked recently.

"Want to come with us to get boba?" Milo questioned as he buckled on his seatbelt. Her face soured at that question, causing him to let out a small laugh. "I know Jude pisses you off, we just have to deal with it at this point."

Suddenly, Lia's eyes lit up, and she looked up from her phone, turning to face Milo, who was mindlessly biting his nails, waiting for her to put her seatbelt on. "You're so gross, stop doing that. Anyway. My friends wanna come too, so can you just drive us all? I'll stay out of your way once we reach, I swear."

Milo contemplated it for a second, nearly declining. But then, he remembered what happened five days ago, when he ended up making a mess of the whole fucking kitchen while he was cooking dinner, and Lia helped him clean the place up before their dad could get home. Fuck it. "Yeah, but put your fucking seatbelt on first."

Lia let out a triumphant cheer, and quickly texted her friends, who were already leaving the school building. Why did I agree to this? Fuck me. Instantly, there were four fourteen year old kids piling into the backseat, with a chorus of grunts as they tried to squeeze themselves into the car.

"Yeah, that's all of them. We can go now."

Why does she have so many friends? I literally had one friend when I was fourteen, what the fuck?

The drive to Boba Bite was an absolute pain, with Lia and her friends going from yelling insults at each other, to sitting in complete fucking silence when they realised that Milo was in the car too.

In short, those kids were giving him a fucking headache. I was never this annoying when I was fourteen. Or was I? Yeah, I probably was.

"Get out," Milo muttered once he parked the car successfully. He turned to face Lia, before cocking his head towards her friends who'd already gotten out of the car, and asking, "They know how they're getting home?"

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