||Part 3||

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||Part 3| letting go||

One of Kaiden's most valuable possessions was a small golden clock which sat on his desk. It was a family heirloom which had been passed down for generations.

The clock was round with delicately embossed flowers. Instead of having two bell heads on the top, two wings were perched with a crow that stared up at the sky in pride.

Tik tok tik tok.

The hands on the clocks moved as it struck mid day. When he was young, he remembered his father looking down at him stern as ever as he passed the clock over, "This is yours. To remind you that just like the tik tok of the clock, your heart keeps you alive. Tik tok."

His father had pressed one hand to Kaiden's chest before letting go of the clock and Kaiden, a small naive boy, held it close to his chest. Tik tok tik tok.

When Kaiden was angry, he used to count the sounds of the crow clock until all he could hear was the noise in his ears.

It was getting closer and closer to the new moon. Kaiden was running around on time.

Letting out a growl, he gripped his hands on the desk till his knuckles turned white.

In anger his hand flew out and clobbered the clock. It went crashing into the bookshelf with such strength that thousands of books fell off the shelf.

Gripping his hair, Kaiden fell into his seat groaning. Pain shot up his back and arms.

A knock sounded on the door startling Kaiden from his revere and he let out a snarl.

"Who is it?"

"Wyatt sir," the man explained, making Kaiden sigh in annoyance.

"Come in."

His beta walked in stiffly. Behind him, Katie walked in.

Kaiden felt his pulse quicken at the sight of his mate. Her sent wafted through the air calming him. Katie was here. She was alive and well.

"Pumpkin," he breathed quietly, letting out a sigh.

Katie didn't smile when she saw him making him frown. He loved her smiles. Then again, she hasn't smiled since he came back from the forest. Those forests did things to wolves. It was unbelievably odd.

"Kaiden," she bowed her head in submission.

Kaiden smiled at her, "I missed you. There is a lot that has gone wrong."

"What do you mean?" Katie raised an eyebrow.

He eyed Wyatt over Katie's head and he shrugged, "She has been talking to a lot of the pack members and I thought she could help."

"But you didn't care to tell my mate what was going on?" Kaiden felt his temper rise as he grew hot.

Wyatt quickly bowed his head clasping his hands behind his back, "I am no alpha. Orders come from you sir."

Kaiden huffed in response. Pride tore at his body, he taught his Beta well.

"It has come to my attention," Kaiden began rubbing his hands together, "that the pack is planning a rebellion."

"I never said-"

"Don't interrupt your Alpha" Kaiden astonished, waving a finger in front of Wyatt.

"We need to gather our forces and squash any bad thoughts. Then we need to march on the Triton pack."

Katie's face blanched, "Squash a rebellion?" She said the words like they tasted bitter on her tongue.

Wyatt raised an eyebrow at Kaiden's wording as well and he felt his temper rise. Who were they to question his authority?

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