Chapter 32

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Tears poured down Katie's face as she ran. Behind her, she could hear the laughter of her school mates.

Katie could only imagine what they said behind her back. Still, she just wanted someone to play with. She didn't care who it was. No pups wanted to hang with the girl who couldn't shift though. No pup wanted to play with the weakling.

But she did have a wolf. She would prove it! She knew she had one. Both her parents werewolves, that meant she had to be one too!

Katie didn't know where she was running; she just wanted to get away from the laughter. Somehow, she stumbled into the forest. The natural home of the wolf. Katie wiped her eyes with her hands as she stared around at the tall trees.

This was the home of the wolf. It only made sense that she learn to shift here.

Closing her eyes, Katie called on her wolf. She imagined her nails growing and her skin receding. She gripped a tree trunk, nails digging into the bark as she reached into her stomach to yank out her wolf.

Nothing happened.

With a groan, Katie banged on the tree before continuing deeper into the forest. She needed to shift. Glancing up at the sky where the sun hung low, she realized how late it was getting. She needed to go home. Just as she turned around to head inside, something metal caught her eye. Curiosity peaked her interest so she took a step forward, halting at the oval shaped contraption. The trap was silver and covered in large spikes and looked big enough to tear a wolf in half. She narrowed her eyes. While she couldn't shift, others trespassed the forest daily. Did her alpha know about the traps? They were dangerous. Katie had to warn someone. She began to make her way out of the forest when a warm hand covered her mouth.

Katie gasped and let out a shriek, hands immediately going to the one on her mouth to pry it off.

"Shh,I promise that I won't hurt you" A deep voice rumbled from behind her. A tall muscular body pressed up against her back. "I'll get you go if you promise not to scream."

Katie nodded as best she could and slowly, he removed his hand. Without a second thought, she broke into a sprint. Her blood pumped through her veins as adrenaline reminded her of what to do when faced with rogue wolves. She opened her mouth to cry out when a body slammed into her.

She fell forward, a yelp leaving her lips as her body landed on the ground. The world tilted and her breath left her body. Before she could get up, a knee pressed itself firmly into her back. A hand pressed her head into the mush forest floor filled with leaves.

"I told you not to scream," He said darkly.

"What do you want?" Katie screamed, though it sounded muffled as her mouth was filled with dirt. Fear paralyzed her body. She was stuck in a submissive position under a wolf. If he felt like it, he could kill her and she could do nothing to try and protect herself. She would die eating dirt. What a pathetic way to die. Perfect for someone like her.

"I need to know what you are doing in the forest." He responded from above her.

"Taking a piss," She scowled into the forest floor.

The man tutted before halling her upward. His hands clutched her arms tightly to the sides of her body and he glared at her.

The first thing she noticed about him were his eyes. They were the most brilliant bright blue, like the ocean waters. His face was nicely angled with bushy eyebrows and short dirty blonde hair.

"If you don't tell me what you were doing then I will have to kill you." He scowled, like the idea pained him.

A scoff left Katie's mouth. What did she care if he killed her? She was a human in a wolf pack. Her latency tore everyone that might have loved her away. It didn't matter. She should die. She deserved it.

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