54. New Beginnings

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A/N: Sorry that this is late, I know it was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I am finally migraine free after TWO days! Thank goodness!

There is one more chapter left and then I will also have an Epilogue! So, really two :)

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One Month Later

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! " Eli was screaming in my ear as Emma and Eddie jumped on my bed in a fit of giggles.

"I'm awake." I said with a groan, after the move we were finally settling into our new house, but I was still exhausted, my eyes still closed. I felt them all wiggle off the bed and I laid there for a few more minutes of peace and quiet, something rarely afforded to someone with three young pups. Although they were a handful, I could not imagine my life without them.

The Over the last few days, I had not had much chance to think, let alone sleep. Most nights not getting to bed until very late, not that I was sleeping well right now anyway. The move was still too new, the house did not feel like a home, yet. In all truth, I felt more like a visitor trying not to step on the toes of my host, which was insane I know.

Xxx Flashback xxx

We had arrived back to Tate's pack early in the morning. Tim was driving his truck with a U-Haul trailer pulling behind with everything we were bringing with us. I followed behind him in my SUV, the pups all sound asleep, for the moment, as we pulled up to the pack house.

I sat in my SUV staring at the house, one that I never had the intention of seeing again, the memory of Tate's father and his departing words to me souring my memory of this place. Tate came walking from the front of the pack house and I climbed from my SUV, quietly closing my door to keep from waking the pups, they were just as tired and weary from the trip as Tim and I were, the last hundred miles or so being the worst.

"Hi." I said to Tate a sweet smile coming across his lips.

"Welcome home, Ally." He replied, "Hi Tim." He said turning to me right as Tim came walking over from his truck.

"Tim told me you had housing all set for us?" I knew I was being a bit rude, but I was beyond drained and needed to get unpacked.

"Yeah, I do." His smile fell a bit as he realized that I was not really in a chatting mood. "Let me ride with you over to your place and I will get Markus to take Tim to his." I simply nodded to Tate and grab for the handle of my door as Markus comes walking out of the pack house heading for Tim's truck.

I watch as Tim pulls away, this was truly going to be the first time that we were apart. I know that we had decided to get a divorce, but we had still been living under the same roof, now I was going to be alone and I did not quite know how I felt about that. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my shifting lever in to drive and pulled away from the pack house.

"Once you and the pups are settled, I would like to take you around the pack and show you all the changes." Tate said, filling the silence.

"Sounds nice," I knew he was trying, that he wanted more than anything for us to work, but I did not know if I was ready or if I would ever be.

A throaty growl resonated through my mind, "I want mate! Mate want us! " Lily was obviously not happy with the route of my thoughts.

"Lily, it's not as simple as that." I tried to reason.

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