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Shit. We've only been here for five minutes and our cover has already been blown. After spending all day working out last minute details with Jeff Azoff to make sure everything would run smoothly tonight, our secret project has already been fucked over.

Honestly, what did I expect when dealing with Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik?

They're all a bunch of children in adult bodies.

Always have been, and always will be no matter how old they get or how much time they spend apart. They bring the worst and the best out of each other, all while managing to stress me out to the point where I feel on the verge of pulling my hair out.

I instantly begin biting down harshly on my bottom lip, fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt as the screams echo from the stadium and into the small secluded room I stand in.

The shouts are mostly incoherent except for the few very audible voices that bellow, "Wait, is that Niall? Shut up, oh my god!"

Each one is more frantic than the last, a new yelp of awe reaching my ears every few seconds that worsens my stress which has only skyrocketed since the first scream that Niall is here reached my ears.

Five minutes.

Five motherfucking minutes.

The last one of us arrived five minutes ago, and now the entire stadium knows that one of us is here. I knew I never should have let them out of my sight, but Louis absolutely insisted on leaving our secretive humble abode to go get a drink. A drink! As if he hasn't had enough of those in his life to where he could refrain for one night!

My nervous eyes fall to the floor as I pace, taking in my attire for the show tonight. Dark hair is crimped, cascading down my shoulders like a waterfall, pooling at the base of my ribs. A white blouse with long puffy sleeves covers half of my torso, cropping mid-waist with various brightly colored flowers and butterflies sewn into the light fabric. High-waisted jeans that put Harry's to shame cover my legs, flaring out with the same patterns sewn into the hem of each leg.

I'm basically the poster child for summer in the middle of December.

When I can no longer handle my own anxiety that only heightens more by the simple fact that none of the boys are answering their phone, I give my rings one last nervous twist before storming out the door with a huff. One of the two rings on my fingers is the rose that I have't removed since the moment I got it, but the dainty infinity ring that Louis, Liam, and Niall got me for my nineteenth birthday hasn't been worn in a while.

For a moment, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to find it, spending my entire day not only on the phone with Jeff but also ransacking my entire house at the same time. Luckily, I was able to find the ring tucked away deep within a box of keepsakes that I hide under my bed, only to pull out on the occasion I want to go down memory lane. While fretfully digging through the box, I found a piece of confetti from one of the many One Direction shows I attended- which one would be impossible to tell. I also found a small umbrella that one would use to decorate a drink with.

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