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   Time is a funny thing. It's relative. That's what makes it so interesting. For one person, a day could feel like a week, but for someone else a week could feel like a day. Everyone's internal clock ticks at a different pace.

   This year has been the longest and most dreadful of my life, but for them it's been the best- a complete whirlwind of amazing experiences and opportunities. An eight month tour with no real  worries can give that to a person.

   Time also heals. The more time that passes, the more thinking one can do, and I've thought a lot. Countless nights of no sleep and days sitting in my room basking in the silence started to make me feel like Bella Swan in New Moon, and that just didn't sit well with me.

   Those first few weeks at home were hard. I'll never forget the look on my mom's face when I got in her car and burst into tears, telling her everything, starting from that fateful night on those London streets when I met One Direction, to the pool party when Celia and Charles ruined everything with their engagement, all the way to Liam's birthday. Jane Granger held me so tight and just let me cry. The entire ride home she held my hand, letting me listen to the saddest music we own as I basked in my own misery.

   I remember having to research what sadness was, because I was too unsure if that's what I was feeling. For all I knew it could have been heartbreak, or maybe even anger. But I soon discovered it was a mix of different awful emotions. If there's anything I've learned from this, it's that I'm not too fond of feelings and would much rather go back to having none, but somehow that now seems unlikely. 

   Louis and I eventually talked. We all have. The boys kept their promises, and stayed in touch, texting or calling several times a week to tell me about their adventures around the world. Most of our conversations consisted of me telling them all how jealous I was of their escapades while all I got to do was homework.

   When the video for One Thing came out, my entire school flocked to me like predators to their prey. I wasn't in the video that much except for a few clips, but it was enough to get people talking, making me regret ever agreeing to do it in the first place. If there's anything I hate, it's unwanted attention. Especially from people who never gave a shit about me in the first place, only soaking up to me because they think they will get something out of it. God I hate high school.

   January was when Louis finally talked to me for the first time since we stood in the kitchen at Liam's birthday party and broke each other's hearts for different reasons. Before that moment, Harry and the rest of the boys spent months telling me that he'd come around- that he just needed time. It hurt like hell waiting for him, but who was I to complain? It was my own doing.

   However, when he did come around, he was like old Louis. 

   Things are okay now, but I want nothing more than to say I'm sorry in person and give him the hug I should have given him that night. 

   For months, I've done nothing but think about Louis and what I want to say when I see him again. For months, I've coped with my newfound feelings and tried desperately to figure out what they mean, because I still don't know what that tingly feeling is that I get anytime I see a pair of green eyes. 

   They all promised me that this summer would be just like the last. But with their newfound fame that spans around the world and grows with every passing second, I should have known that wouldn't be possible. 

   Ever since I got home, my mom and I have watched every music video, every televised performance, screamed What Makes You Beautiful too many times in the car, and played the album more times than humanly possible. While this is my way of coping with the unbearable longing I feel for my best friends, my mother is becoming a borderline groupie. 

   By the end of my sophomore year, summer rolled around and with it came my sixteenth birthday. Mom and I celebrated the same way we always do by going to the beach, reading all day, and completely stuffing our faces with all things sweet. 

   The boys called me, but I didn't see it until the next day. They were so busy with the tour, and they had a show in Detroit that night so it didn't really bother me that they didn't have time to call until my birthday was practically over, calling at 11:47 P.M.

   The time came for me to get on a plane and fly to London to stay with Charles. We haven't spoken to each other since I left last summer. The only communication we've had is the wedding invitation my mom and I got in the mail. What's worse is that my mom is actually planning on attending, but maybe her presence will actually make the ceremony a little more bearable. I just don't want her to hurt herself by going, because part of me believes she still feels for my dad in someway.

   My only hope is that tour ends sooner than later so that Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis can hurry up and save my summer. The wedding is July 7th, giving them six days to get back home once the Up All Night Tour ends on the first. 

   I need them to get here.

   I won't be able to sit through this stupid fucking wedding without them. In fact, nothing has been the same without the boys here. I guess I was stupid to think it would be.

   They were mine for the summer, but now I guess it really is over.

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