iii. afterglow

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sitting on cracked curbs

dried paint flecks and

crumbs of dark asphalt

clinging to my damp jeans

as raindrops drip

from my slick hair

onto his muddied sneakers

dim rainbow pools of oil

swirl in puddles of rainwater

rippling with the passing

of trucks boarding highways

crumpling greasy paper

and eating soggy fries

as the streetlight flickers

over a desolate parking lot

the euphoria of the storm

fading to a gentle gust

and warm quiet between us

as the infernos of daylight

clash with the indigo nights

rustling olive palm fronds

caught between this struggle

Illuminating the dusk sky

glowing above our heads

we look at other and i open

my mouth to say something

but the way his eyes shine

reflecting the vivid afterglow

as he looks into my eyes

makes me swallow my words

so when he stands up

and extends a palm

dirt stained and trembling slightly

i grab it and pull myself up

and we take one step forwards

towards the dusky horizon

not knowing what awaits us

Ocean Spiritजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें