Chapter 55

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Draco was sitting in Dark Arts class (that's right, it was no longer defense against the dark arts anymore) when Weaslette came running in.

"You're late," the professor stated.

She didn't say anything, just started walking toward her desk.

"You know I don't tolerate lateness," the professor pulled out his wand when Draco got to his feet.

"It's my fault," Draco said. "I asked her to pick up a book for me."

Weaslette looked over at Draco with shock as the professor switched his gaze over to Draco.

"Then I guess it's you that deserves the punishment," he said, pointing his wand at him. "Crucio."

Draco fell against the desk as the spell overtook him. Blaise grabbed him to keep him from falling to the floor.

"All because he made someone late?" Blaise snapped at the professor.

"Everyone knows that he's a traitor. He deserves a lot more if you ask me. However," the spell was lifted off of Draco and he slumped into his seat. "I've got a class to teach so we'll just plan for detention for a week."

"A week? That's ridiculous!" Blaise retorted.

"Do you want to join him?" The professor asked.

"It's okay," Draco said, softly before Blaise could reply. "I'll be fine."

"Now, let's get back to class."


Weaslette was waiting for Draco outside of class. Draco told Blaise he'd meet him at dinner as she walked over to him.

"Hey," she said, fiddling with the strap of her bookbag. "I wanted to thank you for what you did. You didn't have to do that."

"No matter what did or didn't happen between you and Harry, you still mean a great deal to him," Draco replied. "Since I can't help him, the least I can do is help his friends."

"What happened exactly? Do you know where they are?"

Draco looked around the hall where a few people were looking at them. "We shouldn't talk here."

She nodded. "I know just the place to go."

Draco followed her down a few halls and after a few minutes, he understood where they were going. A huge pair of double doors opened in front of them and Draco followed her into the Room of Requirement. It didn't look like how he'd last seen it. It was a huge open space with various sleeping bags around and a simple portrait of hilltops on the far wall.

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