Chapter 11

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"So, you and Potter are shagging now?" Blaise asked.

Draco nearly spat out the pumpkin juice he was drinking. He looked around the table to see if anyone had overheard but it didn't seem like it. "Excuse me?"

"I saw you sneaking him out this morning. So, what's up? Did it finally happen?"

"Nothing happened," Draco hissed. "And can you keep your voice down?"

"You can't honestly think that I'm going to believe that he was in your bed and you two didn't shag."

"I woke up with him in my bed. He had come to talk to me and saw that I was having a nightmare and he was able to keep it away. I don't know. All I know is that I slept through the night for the first time in months."

"First the fit in the bathroom and now this. Interesting."

"I don't know why you think it's so interesting. There's nothing between us except mutual attraction."

Blaise's jaw dropped. "What? Excuse me, when did this development happen? I thought you told me everything!"

"It just happened and it's not a big deal."

"Are you kidding me? You've been pining over Potter for years and you found out that he fancies you too? How is that not a big deal?"

"Would you stop saying his name?" Draco hissed, looking around the table again. "The last thing I need is a rumor going around."

"Okay, right, sorry," Blaise leaned in closer to Draco. "So, what does that make you two now? Are you dating?"

Draco scoffed. "As if. I don't date."

"Okay...fuck buddies?"

"Merlin, no!" Draco's cheeks turned red. "Does it have to have a label?"

"No, guess not. But you should come to an understanding with him at least."


Harry wanted someone to talk to about all of this. He could tell Ron and Hermione but he had a feeling that it wouldn't turn out well. They wouldn't trust Draco and would think Harry was mad. Harry wouldn't be able to talk to them about this normally or openly. None of this was normal but he wanted someone to talk his feelings out with. Because, honestly, what were they doing? Were they dating now? Would this be a public thing? Harry didn't think so. Did it matter? I guess, not at this point.

Harry sighed and poked at his food. It took all his will power to not look at the Slytherin table. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he almost didn't notice the tension between his friends at the table. He looked up and saw Ron and Lavender snuggled up. When had they shown up? Hermione was next to Harry, pointedly not looking at the couple and talking to Ginny. Harry noticed that she wasn't with Dean. Dean was sitting a little way down the table with Neville and Seamus. There was tension between everyone. There's one good thing about that. Everyone will be preoccupied with all their own drama and not notice Harry and his drama.

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