Chapter 42

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Draco stayed in their room while Harry went down to the wedding. Draco had been on edge for days and wanted to be prepared for anything. He kept his stuff (and Harry's) packed up in case of emergencies but he was trying to figure out a way to keep his stuff on his person at all times.

The door opened and Granger came in. She stopped when she saw Draco. "Uh, sorry." She said.

"Harry's already outside," Draco replied.

"I know. I was just..." She started wringing the bag in her hands. "I was going to grab some things." She lifted the small handbag up. "I've been packing up the essentials just in case."

"How?" Draco looked at the bag which didn't even look big enough to carry a wand.

"Undetectable extension charm."

Draco looked surprised. "That's brilliant."

She looked just as surprised at the compliment. "Thanks."

"I always wondered how those two never got themselves killed but it all makes sense now. Harry's smart but extremely impulsive. It's a miracle he didn't die years ago."

Granger smiled. "We make a good team."

Draco nodded. "Well, I better head down."

Granger nodded and he stepped past her and down the stairs.


Harry walked away, his mind reeling from his conversation with Elphias Doge. Had he even known Dumbledore? How could he know so little about a man he had looked up to for years? His thoughts were interrupted when Ginny walked up to him.

"Hey, can we talk?" She asked.

Harry nodded and Ginny led him to the dance floor. She put her arms around his neck and he tentatively put his hands on her hips.

"What'd you want to talk about?" Harry asked, feeling uncomfortable about this proximity. His fifth year and part of his sixth year, he had thought that he was gaining feelings for his best mate's sister. Then everything with Draco happened and Harry hadn't looked back. Being this close to Ginny, however, he was reminded about his past feelings. He still loved Draco more than anything but he couldn't help but wonder what if...

"Have you really thought this through?" Ginny asked.

"Thought what through?"

Ginny gave him a look. "Malfoy. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring him along?"

Harry stopped dancing. "What?"

Ginny nudged him to get him to keep dancing. "He's one of them, Harry. His father nearly killed us a few years back and his aunt killed your godfather. Do you really want to see what he'll do? What about Ron and Hermione—"

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