Chapter 26: Fame

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~ Athanasia POV ~

It has been months and nearly a year after meeting Jennette but I was also recovering and in the near-end. I realized my own mistake.

"I seduced Jennette?!?!?" I grab my head in agony as I think that of all those times I've done to Jennette. She would turn red from my compliments and even stay with me.

I. Did. That.

"I told you but you wouldn't listen.." He bites into his apple as he watches me go into despair.

All those times of flirting and seducing her. It's because of one stupid book and my dense brain!!

"AGH!" I huffed. "How come I didn't realize that BEFORE I regained my emotions? Like how?? I don't need my emotions to figure that out!"

"Well... I can't answer that but I guess it's just part of your brain" He mocks and taunts me.

Dear god... How am I going to approach Jennette now along with the others? If I do a sudden change from player to friendly, it would definitely be suspicious. Ugh, I guess I have to slowly change my personality.

But the part that still disturbs me is the fact I even managed to charm them.

"Ugh.." I shiver from the chills and cringes of my stupidity.


I got invited to her social gathering again as always and she seems to admire a lot. Well of course I must've seduced her by now, but I could possibly make her move on with Ijekiel. The only problem with that is... he thinks I'm hostile against him. Gah! What will I do now?!



Jennette leaned to the side and close to my face while staring straight into my pink glittering eyes with her blue jewel orbs. "Were you listening?"

"Ah. Sorry, I blanked out..." I awkwardly chuckled and it got really quiet. They all stared at me expressionlessly with different yet similar reactions. From the look on Jennette's face, sigh. I sadly know what she was confused by.

"By your beautiful face" I smirked smugly while thinking about 10 ways to kill myself out of embarrassment. If only that feeling was just left out maybe I wouldn't be soooo awkward at this.

"Oh!" Jennette back away with a fluttering smile. "You're nice as always, Anastasia" She lightly fans herself and looked back at the group. This time I listened and tried to think of my next mission to getting close with Jennette without seducing her.

"Father has brought me many precious valuables and accessories" She softly giggles and the others talk about it in awe about how close their father-daughter relationship is and how the emperor cares for her.

"... Princess, isn't your debutante coming up?" Someone asked and then quickly covered her mouth to correct herself. "Ah! I mean your birthday right?"

Debutante... ball... This gives me an idea.

Jennette proudly said yes and all the girls squeal and scramble her billions of questions. Some were concerning the emperor and her outfit, others were escorts and how extravagant the party might be.

"Uh...Erm...I" Jennette was overwhelmed by them as she tried to grasp each of their questions.

Sigh. This is my hero moment then.

"Girls. Stop it" I stood up and blocked them from her with my arm sticking to the side and her behind my back. "Can't you see that the Princess is tired? Also asking multiple questions at the same time, don't you think that's a little rude to the princess?" I scold them.

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