Chapter 5: Thoughts

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~ Athanasia POV ~ - Weeks Later - 

Papa has been torturing me every single day except my birthday, but still! Although he did give me a very delicious chocolate cake. But that's probably to make up every near-death experience I had ever since I met him! And he still doesn't show sympathy or a bit of worry!

I clench the crayon in my hand in fury. Then my magic accidentally slips out and shatters it as it poofed into ashes.....

"Sigh. I need to work on controlling my power" I murmured and looked at the time.

Ugh. It's time for me to go...

I got up from the floor and cleaned my hands with bubbles before dusting myself off. I sighed and thought about the field. And whoopy do, I'm in the field and he had already set up a table for us. How surprising....

Thanks to the training, I'm able to teleport manually but not even far and I still have trouble controlling my power.

"Papa!" I ran to him and hugged his leg. "Did you miss me?" I give him my cute face and a bubbly smile that will surely aw anybody but this guy... he's too heartless. Pretty sure he doesn't even have one. 

He grins at me and ruffles my hair, messing up my ponytail. "I sure do miss our playtime!" He means training aka torture.

As always, we have our tea time before training starts. Every lesson is randomly distributed so I have to prepare myself for the better or worse. But why are we eating??

"You will need protein for our next playtime" Daddy smirks at me before sipping his tea.

Is he going to buff me now?! Not only that but I don't know how to use a fork or knife let alone eating a steak properly!

I swallow my saliva nervously and pick up the utensils. I pierce the meat with the knife and fork at the same time. Is this right? I tried to rip a piece for myself and they went flying!



I shake on my chair knowing that I just embarrassed myself in front of him. And the only thing he's doing is staring at me in astonishment. "Interesting"

Huh?! How was my clumsy action interesting?! I'm only 7!

"Say... Did Lily ever assign you an etiquette class?" I shake my head in no. "swimming?" I also shake my head. "Dancing?" I do the same.

The class I take is regular education but I have been doing a lot of reading and writing. However, the palace is too surprised by my advanced knowledge in everything so they just focused on important education other than etiquette.

"Well!" Everything pops into bubbles. "Let's begin training shall we?" He teleports us to somewhere.

I looked around but all I could see were trees! Are we in a forest?!

"Athanasia, you may be young but it's time for you" He adjusted my face to look forward. "To destroy those dummies"

In front of us were four wooden manikins standing, waiting to be demolished by magic. Then a strange feeling flows throughout my body as my emotions begin to vanish as if they were never there in the first place.

"Go Athanasia" He lets go of me "show no mercy" He whispered. 

Then the thought of Claude came into my mind and also my pitiful death that is supposed to happen. All this hate and anger buried deep within my heart has been unleashed. 

A wave of magic strikes them in a blink of an eye through their chest. The magic consumes them like a meal and breaks them apart into dust. My lungs were heavy as I felt light-headed.

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