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Duchess crosses her arms over her chest awaiting an answer "My next job is my last

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Duchess crosses her arms over her chest awaiting an answer "My next job is my last."her father stares at his one and only daughter as her face turns red.

"What!" They cover their ears as the girl screams stomping her foot like an angry child.

"Why didn't you tell me, Baby!" She grabs his shirt and pulls him onto his feet "this exact reason." He is calm and his voice is still as soft as usual setting her off even more if even possible. Darling grabs Duchess's arm and pulls her away from Baby, whom was putting his earbuds back in his ears without a care in the world.

"What's his deal?" Griff asks, staring at Baby.

"Baby? Full cut. Same as everyone." Doc is brusque, seems irritated at answering any questions.

"No i mean, is he retarded?" Doc glares at Griff "Retarded means slow, was he slow?"

"No..." he states lowly.

"Then he don't sound retarded to me." Doc smiles for a second. Then resumes counting. Duchess glares at Griff for talking about Baby.

"I don't know. There's something wrong with him not saying anything." Doc rolls his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with some quiet."

"I'm just saying it weirds-" She drags her fingers across her mouth in a zip lock gesture "Shut up, before he loses count."

Griff stands and walks over to Baby, Duchess watching him carefully. "Careful she's a feisty one." Darling says chuckling, before resuming her make out grossing out everyone in the same room as them. Although, they were slowly getting used to the love birds.

Griff swaggers over to Baby, who taps his fingers on the table to 'Egyptian Reggae' on his iPod. Griff observes for a while, then holds down his tapping hand. Baby slowly takes his hand away. Now his feet tap in time.

"What you listening to?" Receiving no answer Griff pulls one of Baby's earphones out.

"What are you listening to Baby?" Still receiving no answer, Griff drops the earphone with a scoff glancing at the kids iPod.

"You think you're pretty smart acting dumb, that it?" Buddy rolls his eyes "Leave the kid alone Griff."

Griff ignores Buddy "I just wanna know what's going in his head. Aside from 'Egyptian Reggae'."

Darlings hums backs a response "Love Reggae."

"What does it matter to you?" Buddy asks watching Duchess's every move in case griff takes it a step to far and someone may need to hold her back.

"I think he thinks he's better than us, Buddy. Wants to keep his white shirt clean while we plays dirty." Griff snatches off Baby's shades. We see Baby's baby blues. He looks so fresh faced, so young. Duchess groans at the sight of his entire face missing the puppy eyes that belonged to her best friend and she takes a few steps to get closer.

"It don't work like that. Someday you'll get blood on your hands and find out it don't wash off in the fucking sink."

"Griff." Darling warns.

Griff puts the black glasses on his face and behind him Duchess notices baby pull a red pair out and put them on his face, asking her giggle quietly.

"Hey Darling, he wants to hang with the older kids, he's going to hear some grown up words. Like 'fuck'." Griff leaps at him pretending to throw a punch, completely un-bothering Baby.

"Will you cut it out!" Duchess yells slamming her hands onto the table "Yeah, he did his job, let him be." Doc places Baby's cut in front of him and walking away.

"Hey, i ain't saying he's not great." Doc glances at Griff "Would I vouch for him if he wasn't?"

Duchess kisses Baby on the cheek and stands in front of Griff "He belongs on the team, if you don't think so." She pauses and points to the elevator "There's the door, big guy."

Buddy and Darling chuckle quietly.


Baby and Duchess stand side by side Griff next to Baby, Doc in front and Buddy and Darling off to the side making out "What you think about that baby? Mummy and Daddy are getting it on."


"Yea, where do you get off?" Buddy asks, defending Baby.

"Here, okay folks. If you don't see me again it's because I'm dead." Duchess smirks as he leaves the elevator one word escaping her lips "Hopefully."

"Tell me about tonight Buddy." Darling says seductively,

"Tonight Darling, we'll have post heist revelry back in-" Duchess coughs "Why that is the finest wining and dining of all the wines and dines in town."

The elevator bell dings and the couple gets off "well sir, expect the lady and myself to darken your door once the nose bag is empty. Baby, do me a favour the next time doc calls, don't pick up."

"Don't listen to him."

Duchess waves goodbye to her friends and winks at Darling seductively as the doors close. When the elevator stops at our floor they get off and Duchess leans closer to Baby and whispers lowly "I'll be in the car."

She walks away from her father and former one night stand and climbs into one of Baby's perfect car choices without rising her very over protective father's suspicions.

Duchess finds herself waiting for 5 minutes before Baby finally gets into the car beside him "Finally, I've been waiting for this all day." She leans over and plants her lips onto his, for a long and passionate kiss. To her it had been long awaited, especially after successfully getting through a heist, getting money and surviving.

"Ready to go?"

She smiles and gets back into her seat, "Definitely."

Second chapter! and so far I'm extremely happy with it. Comment if you have any questions

SONGS OF MY GIRL - BABY DRIVERWhere stories live. Discover now