i. tidepools

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bare feet scraping 

rough coastal rock

tip-toeing across

as cool ocean sprays

our sunburnt legs

little pools

tucked between

tar black stones

slick with olive seaweed

blossom with life

and colors

sea anemones

red orange green

soft blobs with

bumpy crowns

swaying with tides

midnight mussels

beige limpets

crawling crabs

darting fish

ruby speckled starfish

creeping over pebbles

under sunlit waters

and sparkling

turquoise surfaces

you explored

our little haven

dipping your

toes in the

seafoam and

swirling cerulean

tripping on dips

in the boulders

chasing scuttling crabs

sapphire eyes shining

and i laughed

this is what

life is

tucked amongst

the seasoaked rocks

nothing but

crashing waves

tidepools and


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