Chapter 8: Serious Assistance Required.

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The Wolf Pups looked around and saw now that the coast was clear, and they went to check on the Pack, and they saw their pack, badly hurt and wounded by the Rogue wolves ambush, some of the Wolves couldn't even stand up anymore.

Claudette: What do we do now?

Stinky: We need some help from our New Friends!

Stinky then took out Chase's spare Pup-tag and tried to call Chase.


The PAW Patrol Pups were inside Ryder's hotel room, and Rubble and Zuma were watching T.V in the room, Marshall was washing all of the Pups'
Pup Packs, and Rocky was trying to create something new. Skye was looking from the window, and Chase noticed that Skye seemed a little bit sad, and he decided to join her.

Chase: Hey Skye, How are you doing?

Skye: Oh, hi Chase, yeah I am fine.

Chase: Are you sure, because you seem a little bit sad.

Skye had 2 things she was sad about, the First one was that she missed their New Friends, but the second one was a bit hard to tell Chase, and decided not to.

Skye: I'm fine Chase, it's just that, I miss our new Friends already, and I wish we could see them again soon.

Chase: Didn't they say we could visit them whenever it was possible?

Skye: Oh Yeah, I forgot they said that.

Chase was now ready to tell Skye what he wanted to say earlier, Well, more like ever since she became a member of the PAW Patrol.

Chase: Skye, I wanted to tell you something, that I have been struggling to tell you for years, and I think might be the right time to tell you now.

Skye got really excited about this.

Skye: (To Herself) Is he going to tell me he loves me? No, I don't think So, because I think I am too soft for him. But what if he does?

Chase was just about to say it, but Chase got interrupted by a call from his Pup-Tag.

Skye: (Sighs Sadly) I guess you have to tell me later.

Chase: (Sighs) Yeah.

Chase then answered the call.

Stinky: Chase, it's us!

Chase: It's Stinky, Claudette, Runt, and Fleet, and I think that's maybe his sister!

Skye: Really?

Chase: Is anything wrong?

Fleet: First of all, Yes, that is my Sister, and Second, Everything is wrong! The Rogue Wolves came to the Northern Pack and they killed almost all of the wolves there, and maybe even my Father!

Skye: What!? (Shocked)

Claudette: But that's not all, they also came to our pack and they seriously injured most of the wolves here.

Chase: We are coming to help you!

The call then ended.

Chase and Skye then immediately came to Ryder and all of the other Pups.

Chase and Skye: Ryder!

Ryder: Oh, hey you 2, what's wrong?

Skye: Our New Friends gave us a call and said that they have been attacked.

Ryder: Really! We will help them, but wait! How come they were able to call you?

Chase: Well, I might have given them my Spare Pup-tag.

Ryder: We will help them, but first, Put on your Pup-Packs, and inform all the other Pups, and we will head over the Fence.

Chase and Skye: Okay Ryder!

Chase then found Rubble and Zuma and told them about what happened and told them to get into their Pup-Packs, Skye found Marshall and Rocky, and then told them the same thing, after Ryder and all of the PAW Patrol Pups got into their Gear, they left the hotel, and went past the fence and walked their way to the Western Region, since it was not allowed to drive around the area where the wolves lived. And after Half an Hour, they finally arrived.

Ryder: Marshall, I need you to assist the wolves that are Injured and give them some medical Attention.

Marshall: On it!

Marshall then went to assist the other wolves, and Ryder and all the other Pups came to where the Wolf Pups were.

Runt: We're so glad your all here!

Since Ryder didn't know what was going on, the PAW Patrol Pups explained to Ryder what was going on, and also told him about the Rogue wolves, and how King wanted his revenge.

Ryder: Well, we are going to do all we can to help!

Stinky: Thanks Guys!

Brent and Agnes then came along and found the Wolf Pups and the others.

Brent: We heard about what happened.

Agnes: Are you all Okay?

Claudette: Yeah, we're fine.

Kate and Humphrey then came to their Wolf Pups and hugged them.

Kate: Pups, we are so glad your Okay!

Winston joined in along.

Winston: Most of Our Pack are quite Injured, and King said that he is going to return tommorow to Finish us all.

Ryder: Don't worry, with Marshall's Medical Equipment, they will be alright in no time.

Winston and all of the other Wolves and the Wolf Pups were very impressed by the Technology that Ryder and the PAW Patrol Pups had.

Humphrey: Impressive Gear you've got there! We've never seen that in our lives.

Ryder: Thanks. I really try hard to make these. Anyway, Winston, you and me will talk about how we are going to Defeat the Pack, Marshall will continue assisting the Injured Wolves, Rocky, you will help me with creating the Gadgets. Chase, Skye, Rubble and Zuma, You guys can hang out with the others, and I'll call you if I need you, or if it's getting late.

Chase, Skye, Rubble and Zuma: Okay Ryder!

Ryder then went inside the Cave that Winston was in, and they began discussing their Plans on how to Defeat King and his pack.

PAW Patrol: Pups Meet the Pack. (PAW Patrol/Alpha and Omega Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now