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I was a man of many sins. Many I regret and long to erase, and many I've learned to live with. I've grown used to the shadows, away from the luxuries I missed. The parties, the operas, the endless nightlife that swallowed me and my eternal youth, blanketing me in a lie that masked my truths.

I missed her above all else.


Her name always seemed to leave me, slipped off my tongue so deliciously, when I wanted her most. Drinks couldn't erase the memories. The abundance of drugs couldn't rid her from my dreams. I couldn't replace her with women, because I'd kill them. The blood that ran through my veins made me a murderer, but she was the only woman to survive my touch.

She shared my story. She loved me, and I loved her. And oh, oh was it sweet.

But like most things, it didn't last. She hated me for what she became. A youthful beauty, forever unchanging in an ever-changing world. How do you apologize for removing death from one's future?

You can't. So, I left.

At the time, the option seemed right. It was either leave or see her cry every time she saw my face. I chose to free her of me and hoped she'd find solace within my absence.

I just didn't think I'd miss her more as the years went on. What made matters worse was that I was so sure she'd moved on. Found a life somewhere, somehow, with the money I left her.

All while I remained here, alone, as I deserved.

"Are you going to sulk around here all night, or what?"

I took in a deep breath, swirling the ice around an empty glass of whiskey. I hadn't planned on sulking, I planned on drinking.

And where else does one drink but the only café in town?

It was strange, yes, but I couldn't walk into a bar without drawing attention to myself. The repercussions of one too many brawls, one after the other. I made an image for myself, and that was one of the sins I regretted.

My days in Rockfalls were limited, but Star made them easy.

Star was the beautiful barista at Eternal Blue, my favorite place in town. The old diner turned café had been my haven since I first walked into Rockfalls five years ago. I hadn't planned on living here or making friends, but I was tired of being a shadow on a wall. After jumping from city to city for over ten years, I thought it was time to settle—even if just for a little while. The convenience of prepaid debit cards and the internet made it oh, so easy.

"On the contrary, love." I pushed my glass towards her side of the counter. "I'd like another glass."

Star looked at me with her bright green eyes and puffy, pink lips, and smiled at me the way most women did. But her smile was friendly and protective, rather than fuck me silly—those were the smiles I'd get.

"One day, boss-lady is going to find this," she said as she lifted a whiskey bottle from below her register, "and I'm going to get fired."

I laughed, allowed her to finish filling my glass and rose it to my lips. "That's when I'd take care of you."

"Take care of me?" Star turned around to organize the coffee mugs in their proper section. A fresh pot spouted steam from its machine, and like a trained habit, her finger tapped the power button with grace. "I'll never compare to your Charlotte."

Ah, there went my heart.

I downed my third glass of whiskey, enjoying the burn it created as it slid into my chest. With a hiss, I sucked on my bottom lip and slammed my glass on the counter. "Charlie," I corrected her with a pointed finger. I was the only one who called her Charlotte. "Remember that."

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