Chapter 16

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Ethan's P.O.V.

The moment that the witches' spell transports us back to the Organization, we rush to the hospital area. 

Everyone clears out of our way when they see mom's state. Ryder was carrying her and followed us to where she would be brought. We had a female doctor only for her since I knew that our fathers wouldn't appreciate a male one.

Ryder and Asher were looking anywhere but at our mother. I knew that their wolves would take over if they really saw the state she was in. 

I opened the door to a private room where Doc Jamie was waiting. Without any words, she motioned for mom to be put on the table. 

She then says, "I need you all to leave the room while I examine Ava and operate on her immediately."

Ryder and Asher growled, but Emma was the voice of reason, "Okay, tell us when she comes to and when you go into surgery if that is necessary. Either way, we need to discuss the aftermath of the fight. If you need us, mind-link us or we will be in the conference room two hallways down."

With that, she grabbed our fathers and dragged them out, leaving Jackson and I to follow. I do so, chucking at the force of spirit of our sister. She is going to be awesome at leading the Smith Organization. It takes a lot more than being an Alpha because she has to deal with the Alpha Kings and such. I don't have the patience to do that.

We stop in front of the conference room's door and enter the room. Ryder and Asher plop themselves down on the couches. The gamma of their pack, Leo, was here as was Max, Stefan and Laurine, all the people who had to report back to us. Josh and Chris are there to on their computers.

I order, "Report."

Leo starts, "None of the wolves from our pack are fatally injured. Five of them needed an emergency surgery and the rest only need some stiches."

Stefan reports, "Same on our side. No one who participated are fatally injured, but the witches who did the spell are having issues. One is in a medical come."

Laurine adds, "We have three in surgery right now and Belle wanted me to tell you Emma that she left the gear at the usual place."

Emma nods, "Good."

Max comments, "We have started the process of infiltrating the Hunter operation. Addison is in place as well as Antonio. They say that the Hunters don't know who did the attack and do not even suspect us or the Blood Moon pack. The suspicion is on the Alpha King because apparently they pissed him off recently. More reports are to come."

I stand up from my sitting position, "This is good. What is the timing for the disbandment of the Hunter operation?"

Max answers, "I think that Addison and Antonio can get it done in six months if we bring in Margot and her sob story."

Jackson nods, "Then plan that."

I ask, "Does anyone have any concerns or pressing issues that need our attention?"

Josh stands up and walks over to me, "How is Ava?"

I smile, "We have with her with Jamie who will tell us when she is done and not a second before."

Chris laughs, "Jamie hasn't changed at all."

Leo questions, "When do we head back to our pack? We cannot leave them long with their Alphas and their gamma.

Ryder replies, "Asher and I need to stay here with our mate for a while. You can head back tonight and we will send the injured to follow as soon as they heal. I am sure we can borrow some form of transportation from them, yes?"

I tell him, "We have a couple helicopters and a few trucks you can use."

With that settled, Leo leaves the room to go follow his Alpha's instructions. 

Max asks me to the side, "I smelled my mate on one of the pack members. Can I have permission to return with Leo to search for my mate?"

I nod, "Of course you do. Tell us if you find her or him and if you are going to be staying with us or moving to the pack."

Max smiles and saunters off to catch up with Leo. Stefan and Laurine leave the room also, leaving Josh, Chris, Jackson, Emma, Ryder, Asher and I in the room.

Chris turns to us and asks us seriously, "How do you think Ava will react to the deal you guys made."

I shrug, "She will most likely be annoyed. I know mom, she will keep the deal. Mom already knew that Emma wanted to inherit the Organization and she won't mind that Jackson and I will become the Alphas of the Blood Moon pack if that is what we want."

Josh comments, "Ava is going to be pissed you made the decision about her mates without her."

Ryder adds, "We are in the room too, you know."

Josh shrugs not really caring, "Kind of hard to forget."

At that moment, Jackson, Emma and I receive a mind-link from Doc Jamie, "Ava needs surgery and she is about to go in. I am sending one of my nurses, Jessica, to brief you on her injuries."

I repeat to those she hadn't contacted, "Mom is going into surgery and a nurse is coming to talk to us about her injuries."

Ryder and Asher stand as Jessica enters the room. Now, everyone was standing up except Chris who is at his computer still.

Jessica says, "Ava has a shattered kneecap, a broken foot, two fingers broken, two cracked ribs, one fractured rib, two broken ones and a concussion."

I question her confused, "None of those usually need an emergency surgery."

Jessica tells me, "Usually they don't but one of her ribs pierced a lung allowing blood to come in. It was rather urgent to fix that before she choked on her own blood."

Only then she noticed the effect her words were having on Ava's mates. Asher and Ryder were shaking in anger and attempting to control their wolves who want to defend their injured mate. The moment Jessica noticed she hightailed out of there. A lot of our doctors and nurses had to deal with people whose mate has been injured and they hate it.

Emma makes soothing noises to our fathers because as their daughter she should have a somewhat calming effect. It works though the Alphas are still tense.

Three stressful hours later and Jamie mind-links us, "Surgery is done successfully and you can come see Ava even though she is unconscious. We put her in room 319."

No sooner did I repeat the words were everyone leaving to go see her.

I was happy that mom was doing better and would be okay.

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