Chapter 7

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Once the representative finished his little speech about the Alphas needing a new mate, I got a little mad. It was slightly hypocritical of me to do so given the fact that we don't have any intention of giving Mom back to them, but I couldn't help. I saw red and my wolf instincts forced themselves forward. All she wanted to was to defend her mother, defend her pack.

With no one able to stop me, least of all myself, I stood up and yelled at the Alphas, "Cowards! Rejecting your mate and then pretending she has just disappeared! You have no right to her for your shameful attitude. No other she-wolf could hold a light t your now ex-mate!" 

For a second, everyone froze and then all hell broke loose.

All the pack members who were staring at us in shock got out of the way of their incoming Alphas who seemed to be out for blood as they lunged for me. Jackson and Ethan saw it coming and blocked them in time by pushing them back. The Alphas, our fathers, had expected that and fell backwards. Though this action saved me, it knocked both of their hoods down and in my haste to avoid the Alphas, mine was down too. 

There was a noticeable pause when everyone realized that two identical pairs of twins were looking at each other though one was younger.

That took them aback, but didn't last long when they noticed me. According to everyone's reaction to me so far, I looked exactly like my mom who was their mate and they met when mom was my age. So, to them, it was like Mom and I were a set of twins. Their wolves even felt a connection to me, one that they could think was the mate bond, but it was the one of father to pups.

Alpha Asher whispers, "Ava..."

I stand strong, "I'm not Ava, but you will never see her again. She is with Josh and Chris now." At this point, I didn't care about riling them up anymore. I would figure something out to get Mom back without them. My words made them launch another attack on Ethan and Jackson. They beat them back, but barely.

That is when I notice that all the pack members are still in the room. They are all staring at the show. For some reason, that pissed me off.

So, I drew on all my Alpha blood and in an Alpha tone ordered, "LEAVE!"

Everyone complied without thinking about it. I had drawn on Ethan and Jackson's Alpha dominance to get them to obey without thinking. I think it shocked the twin Alphas that their pack just listened to me. It was unnerving to be an Alpha and have that happen. For whatever reason, they stopped their assault.

Of course, I just had to run her mouth off, "You rejected your mate! You don't deserve her and I will personally make sure that mom doesn't come back here. She is in danger and might die! You useless asses are here acting all high and mighty!" I clap my hand over my mouth. I just called their mate, my mother. 

Alpha Ryder asked, "Mom?" and Alpha Asher said in a questioning tone, "Danger?" Both Alphas started to shift into their wolves.

Ethan cursed, "Shit!" I knew that meant that Ethan and Jackson could not keep them off in their wolf form. We needed a back up plan. Olivia and Frank were long gone. Jackson however had an idea.

"Run! Follow Alice's scent, she'll help us,"Jackson ordered through the mind-link. We listened because no one else had a better idea. The three of us ran and shut the door behind us to slow the twin Alphas down. 

Jackson had Alice's scent and was able to lead us to it. I could tell that she was alone because I could smell that her Beta and mate was in the kitchen. His scent led away from her door. 

We burst into her room where a heavily pregnant Alice stood. I went in first because since I looked like Mom, it could convince her to help us.

When she saw me, she dropped the glass of water she was holding and whispered, "Ava?"

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