Chapter 5 - The Big Secret

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As Jake sat at his computer desk, his laptop was open to Google. 'How to come out to parents' was in the search engine, his eyes scanning each page of each website.

The nerves were strong as he stood up from his laptop his hands instantly going into his mouth as he bit softly on his finger nails, pacing back and forth worriedly not even sure how to start the conversation, and this was probably the easiest one he still had to tell Liam and he knew in his heart how that one was going to go, no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise.

Jake sighed softly not knowing how to do it. He knew his mum was amazing and she wouldn't be pissed but it still scared him.

Taking a sharp breath his eyes hurting from being fixed to the screen for so long, Jake finally stood up. He wanted to stretch his legs which had started to feel numb. He couldn't think straight as he paced back and forth.

If Jake thought this was hard, he had no idea how he was going to come out to Liam especially with the life he lived. Jake's mum was quite laid-back; Liam was a homophobic bigot, who took orders from his father.

In a way Jake was relieved he didn't have a father.

Biting his bottom lip, Jake decided he'd had enough. He'd have to get it over with eventually, he just couldn't prepare himself. As he walked up and down, different scenarios playing out. Will she hate me? Will she kick me out? Will she disown me? He knew the scenarios were ridiculous, but he still couldn't help them.

It was only after 5 hours of constant reading that Jake finally took a deep breath, walking down the stairs one by one, his nerves slowly getting the better of him,

Walking into the kitchen where his mum was making pasta (that smelled so beautiful) Jake almost felt guilty that this was the time he had decided to tell her. "Now or never," Jake whispered to himself.

"Hey love are you okay?" Cathy chirped, pulling Jake out of his own thoughts, as she walked to the fridge.

"Kind off," was all Jake could choke out.

"Okay, now I'm worried," Cathy added nervously as she stood against the counter, a knife in her hand that she was using to cut the salad with.

"Can we please get rid of the sharps first, please?" Jake tried to laugh but it was more a nervous giggle as he took the knife from his mum, placing it behind him as he paced back and forth again

"Okay, now I'm really worried. What is wrong?" Cathy asked eyebrows knitted together as she sighed. "Is this college? Is everything okay? You haven't being kicked out have you?" She added her tone worried but soft.

"If only it was college, that would be simple." Jake smiled reassuringly. "You know you always go on about girls?" Jake asked taking a deep breath preparing to tell her.

"Yeah but that's only because I want to see you happy and settled love," Cathy smiled nodding as if that was the end of the conversation. "Hang on, you haven't got someone pregnant have you?" She asked. "You better not do what your dad did to you." She quickly added before looking to Jake.

"Mum, there is no girl, there never will be, I'm gay Mum!" Jake rushed. He felt a weight lift as his whole body trembled; he breathed a shaky sigh. "I'm gay and I think I always have been," He added with a soft whisper.

"Are you gay for Liam?" Was his Mum's only reply as she leaned against the darkened counter, her eyes moving to glisten widely at Jake. "I've known for a few years now love. I just wanted you to feel comfortable to tell me."

"How do you know about Liam?" Jake asked, shocked that his Mum already knew.

"I'm not as dumb as I look love, those looks you give him, or the way you dress up when you're only seeing him, the need to make a good impression even though you are best friends." His mother continued glancing towards Jake. "Does he feel the same way?" She asked with a hopeful glance.

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