Chapter 7 - Regrets

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As Jake lay on the ground, his consciousness slipping away, the world around him seemed to blur and distort, as if he were trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape. The voice reverberating through his mind echoed with malice and hatred, sending shivers down his spine even as his body convulsed with agony.

"Mum, it's over..." Jake's voice cracked with despair, tears streaming down his cheeks like rivers of anguish. He could barely find the strength to stand, his heart heavy with the weight of betrayal and rejection.

Cathy's embrace offered a fleeting sense of solace amidst the storm raging within him. Her words of comfort were like a lifeline in the darkness, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair. But even her reassurances could not quell the tempest of doubt and self-loathing that raged within him.

As Jake ventured out into the cool evening air, the weight of his sorrow hung heavy upon him like a suffocating cloak. Each step felt like an eternity, the silence of the empty streets echoing his inner turmoil. The music pulsing through his earphones offered a brief respite, a temporary escape from the cacophony of his thoughts.

But as he turned the corner onto his own street, the tranquility was shattered by a guttural groan, a sound so primal and filled with menace that it sent a chill down Jake's spine. His senses heightened, his heart racing in his chest as he braced himself for what was to come.

The voice, dripping with venomous hatred, pierced the night like a dagger, its words like poison seeping into Jake's soul. Fear gripped him like a vice as he stumbled backwards, the realization of his vulnerability crashing over him like a tidal wave.

"You queer, you goddamn fucking queer boy..." The words hung in the air like a curse, filling Jake with a sense of dread so profound that it threatened to consume him whole. The cold steel of the blade plunging into his chest sent shockwaves of agony coursing through his body, every nerve screaming in protest as darkness closed in around him.

In that moment of unimaginable pain and terror, Jake's world collapsed in on itself, his screams drowned out by the deafening silence of the night. And as he lay on the cold pavement, his life slipping away with each labored breath, he whispered a desperate plea into the void, a final cry for help before succumbing to the darkness that enveloped him.


Breath hitching in his throat, Liam hammered on the door with frantic urgency, each strike punctuated by his desperate cries for help. Tears streamed down his cheeks, leaving trails of anguish and despair in their wake, as he struggled to steady his trembling hands and pounding heart.

"Cathy!" His voice cracked with raw emotion, echoing through the stillness of the house. He prayed for a response, for some sign that he hadn't arrived too late, that there was still hope to be found in the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

As the door finally swung open, Liam's heart lurched in his chest, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of Cathy's worried expression. He struggled to find the words, to convey the urgency of the situation that now gripped them both in its merciless grasp.

"It's Jake," he gasped, his voice strained with emotion. "He's... he's been rushed to the hospital."

Cathy's response was swift, her face blanching with shock as Liam's words washed over her like a tidal wave. For a moment, she seemed frozen in place, her mind struggling to process the enormity of what she had just been told.

"What do you mean?" Her voice wavered, betraying the fear and uncertainty that now gripped her soul. "Is he... is he okay?"

Liam's heart ached at the pain etched in Cathy's features, the weight of their shared anguish bearing down on them both with crushing force. He shook his head, unable to find the words to ease her fears, to offer her the solace she so desperately sought.

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