self-care calendar

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1st:write down all your monthly goals somewhere so that you'll
always see it

2nd:paint your nails

3rd:drink hot

4th:shop for cute sweaters

5th:try ice skating

6th:go for a walk

7th:use a bath bomb

8th:post a cute pic on insta

9th:watch your favourite YouTuber

10th:work out at home or the gym

11th:eat healthier

12th:try complimenting someone

13th:take a relaxing bath

14th:Do your entire skin care routine

15th:try out a new app

16th:eat only healthy foods

17th:work out with a friend

18th:try something new

19th:see a movie

20th:download new music

21st:try use a less amount of sugar

22nd:plan a future trip

23rd:try an new activity

24th:go shopping with friends

25th:make a new friend

26th:have a sleepover
27th:try make a face mask

28th:visit somewhere new


30th:get your nails done

31th:read a book

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