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''Harry, mate, what you do isn't any of my business. Not one single bit, and I won't pry it out of you. If this, whatever it is, makes you happy, then it makes you happy. I mean, it's nice to be let in on the personal stuff and the juicy secrets sometimes, but as long as whatever it is doesn't cause you any harm, and I don't have to hide a body,'' They share a laugh. ''It's fine.''

He paused, ''And.. I don't mean to sound mean but I wasn't actually interested in finding out.'' He hurried to continue as he saw Harry's face fall, ''No, seriously, I was just on my way to the shop in the disused bathroom on the seventh floor, so this caught me completely off guard.''

Niall's face lit up as his thoughts began to veer off, ''I heard they have got new stock of chocolate frogs, and one of them has a card of Merlin; which is a legendary card, it's difficult as hell to find one of those!''

He snapped out of his thoughts as he remembered his best friend, ''But since you've told me about it,'' Niall clamped a hand down on Harry's shoulder with a smile, ''Hope it works out between you two, mate.''

Harry, who had felt better after hearing this, nodded; giving him a smile, ''Thanks.''

''No problem, I really do want the best for ya, Harry.'' Niall turned and began to walk off, but stopped, ''Oh, and you might want to adjust that scarf of yours. I can see a few of those hickies.''

And even with his cheeks burning bright red, Harry could still manage to look up from the floor and see Niall smirking at him.

''You were good at lunch, but your successful acting seems to have lowered once you chased me out here. But yeah, like I said, fix it before someone else sees it.'' Filled with embarassment, Harry could say nothing, so with a wave of his hand, Niall was off.

''Harry!'' He stopped in the middle of the hall, and turned around at the sign of his name; waiting as he watched Eleanor trying to catch up, ''Where have you been?'' She questioned almost immediately, ''I couldn't find you for about ten minutes. Damn, you have some legs on you.''

''I'm fine, I was actually just with Niall.''

''So,'' She moved closer. ''Did you tell him?''


She blinked, ''And what were his thoughts?''

''He.. actually didn't care,'' He began to laugh at Eleanor's perplexed expression, ''He was moreover relaxed about it.''

''He didn't?'' Harry nodded. ''So you mean he didn't make any sort of reaction?''

''Well, he did smile and wished us the best of luck, but other than that, nope.'' Harry let his answer stop right there, purposely forgetting to leave the part of the secret shop for he wanted to see Eleanor's reaction.

''Huh..'' She looked down at the tiled floor, pretending to count them (for a good minute or two). ''Well, uh, t-that's.. new for him.'' she finally managed to get out as she looked back up, keeping her eyes straight ahead though. A small smile was visible.

''Niall is chill about a lot of things. And he doesn't really give me a hard time about anything.. unless there's a 99.8 percent I'm going to get killed from it, or unless it's insanely stupid; past the limit for him to join in on.''

He chuckled as he thought back on past moments, ''Then, he would smack me across the head.''

She snorted, leaning on him. ''Idiots.''

''Yes, but your idiots, El,'' He looked over at her. ''And are you really surprised?''

''Yes, he usually has the emotional range of a teaspoon, but.. huh, I guess things change.''

''No, he can be emotional. And you've known all along, you're just seeing it in a new light now.'' Harry winked, and proceeded to be given a hard shove by Eleanor; snickering as he (nearly) flew to the other side of the hall.

She rolled her eyes, scoffing, ''Ni and I? Please, Harold.''

''That's not my name.'' Harry grumbled as he rejoined her side.

''I know it's not. But since you've annoyed me, and you dislike that name, we're both feeling the same amount of infuriation, aren't we?'' Eleanor asked with a smirk, turning to meet Harry's look of irritation.

''Hey, what are you two talking about?'' Niall asked as he joined them on their left, tossing them their favorite snacks from the secret shop.

''You, actually.'' Harry replied after they thanked him.

A/N: another chapter up soon to make up for the long time of no updating !

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