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If his friends weren't already rattled by his odd behavior, then they would surely be confused as to why their scarf was wearing a thick scarf in both the blaming heat, and the humid atmosphere of the Great Hall.

It was during a mid-bite of his peanutbutter sandwich that Niall Horan caught onto Harry's act, the laid-back fake blonde watching curiously while his best friend attempted to discreetly join them at the Gryffindor table the very next day, avoiding eye contact with everyone that came near.


''Um, yeah?''

''Why are you wearing that?''

He looked up, his emerald green eyes widening as he noticed the attention everyone sitting at their table, ''Oh.. this?''

He pointed at it, letting out a nervous laugh, ''Yeah, um, I get cold easily. Surely you remember, right?'' he said, but his voice was muffled so badly by the fabric that soon the odd stares turned into small laughs.

Exactly what he had hoped for.

But as soon as his eyes went over to Niall, who still wore an expression of confusion and suspicion, it was clear his plan hadn't worked for everyone at the table.

But even so, from this, the atmosphere set back into its regular, and conversations resumed - everybody talking about either their school lives, personal lives, something random that happened today, or what they did over the weekend; sharing rounds of laughter, of course.

Eventually, Eleanor joined them, her bag giving a loud 'thump!' as she plopped her bag down at her feet. Whatever seemed to be on her mind was erased the moment she looked at her friend's weird appearance, ''Harry, you're wearing-''

''A scarf, yeah. Don't you remember?'' he lowered his voice as he tried to get her to understand the situation. ''I get cold easily.''

''No,'' she interrupted with an eye-roll, (for she had turned away, and hadn't caught onto his words in that exact second) ''That was caused from-''

Eleanor paused, now catching onto Harry (who was furiously trying to tell her to stop with subtle hand gestures) ''falling asleep while doing your homework.'' she saved, quick to make up the rest of the story.

''Remember? The pen exploded and covered a good bit of your neck. But since you left the air on,'' she scoffed as she suppressed a laugh, ''It wouldn't be a surprise to see that your skin is now sensitive to certain temperatures either.''

She finished with a glance over at Harry (who mouthed 'thank you') and sat down with a relieved expression.

Niall, who had been watching the entire thing, shrugged. ''Oh, okay.''

He had turned back to face Shawn, the two continuing their conversation about the latest Quidditch match. And while the scene had faded from his mind, and he was already off the matter, it hadn't been the same for his two friends.

They knew he'd had a good mask for concealing his feelings, and they thought this was one of those times (although, it actually wasn't).

''Well, I'll be back.'' Niall announced as he stood up from the table with his bag, exiting out the doors.

Their eyes widened and they turned toward each other, ''Go and tell him!'' Eleanor urged as Harry stood up not long after, following him.

For a moment, he couldn't find him, but it was on the second flight of moving stairs that he caught the trace of the familiar blonde hair. ''Niall!'' he called out, rushing down the steps.


''I- I'll tell you.'' he got out, still a bit out of breath.

Niall still wasn't catching on, ''You'll.. tell me?''

''Yeah, uh,'' Harry ran a hand through his hair as he gathered up his words. ''Alrighty, so there's this person..''

A nod, ''Uh huh..''

''T- that I've got a thing for..''

''Go on..''

''But things are currently awkward between us so Eleanor is reading up and helping me with it - whew!'' Harry rushed out, hands on his knees as he panted.

''Oh..'' Niall shrugged, seemingly unfazed. ''Okay.''

''Wait, what?'' Harry stood up; he couldn't tell if he was more angry at the fact that his friend brushed it off so easily, or that he had wasted so much breath.

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