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[A/N: It's a bit more modern than in Harry Potter so they have technology, it's more realistic]

They were alone in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory since everyone went to Hogsmeade and wouldn't be back for hours. Yet, silence filled up the entire place. Not due to anything serious, merely the phone ringing downstairs. And they'd be lying if they said they weren't terrified in that moment.

Laughter from upstairs trailed down the steps before thumping followed; a sleepy curly-haired boy appearing in the common room's doorway, pausing to give himself a few seconds to comprehend the sound along with his situation.

He pressed the glowing 'accept' button as he waited for the caller to speak, playing with his silver rings in the meanwhile, "Harry, love, is this you?"

A second set of footsteps echoed his in the background, an additional voice jumping into the conversation, "Hey, who's that?"

"Parents, now leave!"

The sound of a stomp filled the almost empty common room. He glared over his left shoulder, quickly covering the phone, "Fine. You're allowed to stay, but if you dare screw up this phone call, I will-"

"What, you're gonna screw me up?" A scoff, "You've already done so, babe. But you're welcome to do it a second time." The second figure laughed before coming to an abrupt stop, mumbling profanities as their toes were stomped on repeatedly.

"Hello?" came from the phone.

Harry Styles yawned, rubbing furiously at his eyes, "Mum?"

"Oh, it is you!" His mother tucked her phone between her ear and left shoulder, holding up an item she'd found interest in to show her husband, Robin, who was busy roaming around the story and makig friends with fellow costumers. "How've you been?"

"Pretty good. Things have been alright - school- and selfwise." Harry yawned, allowing his now visible green eyes to glance over to his left, letting a grin creep onto his face. "We've got a match against the Slytherins next- hey, stop that!"

His mother frowned on her side, "What was that?"

"Sorry, I meant to say we've got a match next week," Harry paused, clutching the phone a bit tighter, "I miss you and Robin loads."

Anne smiled at her son's words, "We miss you too, Harry. Come home for Christmas break, yeah? But if you stay-" She was cut off by her husband snatching the phone out of her hand, grinning like a madman, "Be sure to dominate those vile serpents for us, eh, Harry?"

An unknown laugh could be heard in the background, ruffling following after, "Sure thing, Robin." He laughed, raising an eyebrow as he stood up, "It's quite easy to dominate a Slytherin once you know the trick- ow!"

"Sounds like you're having fun." Robin commented, remembering his own 'fun days' as a teenager a long time ago.

"Um.. Cara's next to me." He replied, though it came out more like a question.

"She is now? She's been coming over a lot, hasn't she?"

Harry let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, yeah, she thinks it's fun to- oh.." Another laugh could be heard along with, "I've told you before! I'm on the phone with my parents!"

"But you look so adorable when you're all flustered and you keep making the most hilarious faces! I honestly cannot resist, Harry!"

There was a sound of static with mid-breaks of yelling before the conversation resumed, "Sorry about that. I'm really not sure what's wrong with.." A pause, "her."

Robin started to get curious, "Are you sure it's Cara? I really didn't recognize her voice and she usually wouldn't do this during phoneca-"

A static, "Hey Robin, did you hear that? I-I think I'm losing connection-"

"Get your hand off the mic!"

"No, I can hear you - and whoever else is there - quite perfectly-" His stepdad said, starting to realise what was happening.

Another static, "No, I'm not hearing well from your end."


"Sorry, Robin. I love you, tell mum the same. Bye!" He rushed the last words out, hurrying to end the conversation. When it was confirmed, he shot a glare over at the smirking figure who was practically glowing from the moonlight shining on their body.

The very first thing to pop in his head for him to yell was, 'We were nearly caught!'. But instead, he asked,

"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking, 'I want to talk to my boyfriend's parents but he's stubborn sometimes so I guess I'll have to butt my way into the conversation.'."

"Was that sarcastic reply really necessary?"

"And was the previously asked question really necessary considering I warned you beforehand?"

Harry blinked twice before sighing, "You know what? I don't even care. I just know I'm cold, and I'm sleeping on you because you almost caused me trouble." He said, looping his arm around their waist as they began walking towards the staircase.

"And you want to know something?" A smile, "I'm absolutely fine with that."

"Your moods are always changing."

"Okay, and?"

"It's irritating!"

"Kind of like you when you snore sometimes?"

A sigh, "You're impossible!"

"Not so, because I'm here with you." A chuckle, "It's a wonder how we ended up together."

Harry gave a final say before they disappeared down the hall, the two falling into a messy cuddle the minute they hit the bed.

"And it's a miracle my parents didn't recognize your voice."

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