Eyes of a fighter

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Brock's POV

I ran my hand through my hair, since when had this been so hard? The security cameras cut out after they put Copper in a car and drove off, I just hope he got my message.
The way Copper looked, so broken and defeated, made my heart shrink. I had an idea, a stupid idea, but one nonetheless.
" I'm going to get you back, don't worry... I just hope they aren't going to hurt you... " I breathed as I stood up so quickly I hit the chair on the wall. I opened the door loudly and stomped towards the door, people looked at me, I didn't care, they let the only thing keeping them alive get captured, how fucking great can they be.
Before I could get to the door someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned to them so quickly it made them step back with wide eyes, people in here have only ever seen the nice version of me, not this.

" Brock- " he started but was cut off.
" fuck off Bradly. " I seethed, trying to keep my cool, I've always known Bradly to get jealous of the people around me because he was my friend since we were little, but he's taken it to far.
" look Brock I'm sorry ok? I didn't know what they were going to do with him. " I bared my teeth to keep myself from lashing out and glared at him.
" there was blood on the floor, god knows what you were thinking when they hit him, but even you know it wasn't smart. " I snarled, breathing slowly to calm down.

" now I'm going to leave ok? And you're going to make sure these people get fed. I might take a while. " he widened his eyes and I shook off his hand and started to walk to the door again, only for him to reach out for me, making me freeze in place.
" where are you going to go? " he asked, concerned for me, that made me more pissed. I turned slowly, knowing any fast movements would lead to him getting a black eye of sorts.
" I'm gong to Night's alley. " I replied calmly, a sharp tone and glare hidden only just. Bradly widened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, knowing any sort of words to come out would be a stupid way of telling me not to go.

" they'll help me more than you ever can, Bradly. " he lowered his hand and looked to the floor. Only a second passed before I knew I had won. Don't test me when I'm angry. I turned and stomped towards the exit, opening the door with a sudden hit and then slamming it back. Fuck anyone who's going to stop me tonight.

The night's air was cold, only filled with one or two cars, metallic roars and the subtle blinding of headlights. A group of people who were walking in front of me were, not so politely, shoved out the way, I ignored their shouts and disapproving glares, this is far more important.

I sped walked until someone spoke.
" hey! " I spun around at the feminine voice. It was a woman with long blond hair, blue eyes, red lips, black high heels and a tan fur coat that just missed her shoulders, a black dress waved in the wind. " whatcha doing at out at this time handsome? " she tilted her head, her red lips sticking out as if to pout. I stood and stared for a bit before I composed myself and sighed into the air, watching my breath frost up until I closed my eyes in the direction of the stars.
" trying to help a friend, " I breathed as a shiver went up my spine. " but I can't do it alone, and the people who should help aren't my friends, or anywhere close. " I sighed and opened my eyes to turn my head towards the woman, she had her hands on her hips and was studying the black bags under my eyes.

" so it's a rough night? " she asked and I knew she was expecting a certain answer. I shook my head and smiled sweetly at her.
" if it was already... then it's about to get oh so fucking worse. " I placed my hands in my jean pockets and was about to start walking until the girl started to speak again.
" then may I walk you to your destination? " she asked sweetly, to such, I was about to say yes until I remembered where I was going and then sadly shook my head.
" no, I'm afraid. My destination is rather dangerous to be around, even walking past it would seem like running on a single thread. At any moment it could snap or you could fall off it. " the woman thought for a while, her eyes drifting to the left before they snapped back.
" it seems like your dealing with Night's alley. " the girl looked up at me, then looked to where I was headed. My eyes widened at her pinpoint answer.
" you're familiar with it? " I asked now turning to her fully with interest.
" just estimating. " she shrugged. " its the way you're angrily stomping with fire in your eyes. " she informed. " plus it's where I'm going too, so, mind if i join you? " she asked polity and I stood for a moment before nodding,
" yeah, sure. " I turned around and she joined my side, I wore a small smile on my face as I thought. My strides were longer and then I felt that little safer with whoever this girl was.

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