I'm sorry

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I did tell you what would happen, a subtle hint, Copper's words can be sharper than a knife and he's smart enough to use them against the history of his enemies.

I sat in a small room tied to a wooden chair, I heard shuffling and then the door slammed open, making me jump and make a muffled shriek, I'm such a scaredy cat.
" Good morning, Copper! I've brought a friend! " I heard a shout and I groaned at the loud enthusiastic voice of Zach, I hate that man. he was around my age, nineteen or twenty. his eyes lit up as he walked in the room, as if he was happy to see me. he was being followed by a man only slightly taller, with wide eyes I knew exactly who he was.

" Tom, " I said coldly, " how nice of you to join us. " only Zach realised that I was reciting his lines to when Brock found me, it ended badly for us, it will end badly for them, I'll make sure of that. Tom sneered at me while Zach cast an unsure glance to us both, what was he planning that needed this much concern. " now for the fifth time today, what the fuck do you want? " I looked at them both, Zach had looked away while Tom took a step closer, the snarl turning into a vicious grin as he unfolded his arms.

" now, I don't like that attitude. " he smirked, watching me though narrow eyes, I was getting pissed again. I opened my mouth to make a snarky reply, but was faced with a stinging feeling in my gut and a fist colliding with my stomach, it made me yelp in pain then wince through my teeth as Tom walked back to stand next to a now smirking Zach, he enjoyed the noise I make when I'm in pain? fucking bitch. Tom began to circle the chair, glaring at me, that school bully still in the seemingly professional man. my eyes followed him as much as I could without moving my head, it was like a battle, green and blue, glaring daggers at each other, though I imagined them, I would have no way of knowing what he was thinking.

" now Copper, we need you to do something. Our funds are running a little low... and a little bird told me you were good at a certain thing. " Zach smiled, I knew at once what he was talking about and I thought of it, the people in the under-bridge having to leave, probably to die the next day, Brock going broke and having to become homeless again, was this my only chance to see him? how were they going to stop me from escaping? Tom grinned as he knew I realised what they were talking about. I flinched as Zach got closer to me, he knelt down only an inch from my face, " we know you've got a small connection to a certain Brock Williams? " I widened my eyes as he continued, " you know what sound guns make right? " he asked, I raised my eyebrow until he took out his trusted pocket knife and held it up to my face so I had to lean back in the chair. " say it. " he growled at me, I've never heard that tone in anyone before.

" Bang? " I said quietly, he giggled, then laughed. I looked on in awe as his maniacal laugh slowed to a stop. he looked right at me, his brown gaze crazy and overjoyed. I tried to shuffle back with my feet but to no avail, my feet couldn't really touch the ground. Tom stared at me with folded arms, as if he'd seen this more times than one.

" that's right, " he giggled loudly and looked to his left. " bang, bang. " he pointed finger guns at me which made me snarl, I had no idea of what he was doing, " that's the way your friends will go. " he said coldly as he moved away, my heart cracked a little at the thought of Brock getting killed by me. " so... made up your mind C- " he was cut off. " yes! anything just don't hurt him! " I couldn't take the idea of hurting someone, let alone killing them. the two shared a glance, both smirking, they turned to me again. " you seem to have a stronger connection to Brock than anyone else there. " Tom hissed with laughter, I frowned. " he's like a brother to me... " I managed to breathe out without sobbing.

" then we have a deal. you give us the money, and we'll leave your ' brother ' alone. " Tom smiled in victory. I winced as I thought but reluctantly nodded, oh how easily someone could break me. Zach walk up to me, his hips swaying in his victory walk before he bent down to raise my chin. my eyes met his and they never softened, I'll kill you by glaring at you before I get out of here. " you need some sleep Copper dear, to ready you for the streets again. " pickpocketing will be the fucking death of me I swear. he let go of my chin and walked to the door to follow Tom to wherever they were going.

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