64. With Bells On

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The sound of the bell was like glorious cannon fire. At each ring of the giant metal instruments high above me, my heart throbbed. This was the sound that was telling everyone in the whole city of London that I would be married soon.


"Are you sure about this?" I whispered, cautiously cracking open the door to the cathedral. "I mean... we're a bit early, aren't we? The guests aren't supposed to start arriving for another half hour."

"Oh yes, I'm sure." Strong arms encircled me from behind. "I want to show you the place where you'll become my wife in a very short time." And he pushed the door open.

I gasped.

"Oh my God!"

Wide-eyed, I stared up at the lily-white ceiling high above me, decorated with intricate images in gold shining in the sunlight that in through the high, arched windows. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the day, all the candles in the chandeliers which hung spread over the entire room were burning, adding a soft glow to the scene that only strengthened its dream-like character. This truly looked like a scene from a fairy tale. The final scene, with Cinderella and Prince Charming dancing at their wedding, to be exact.

"My God...!" I repeated softly, dragging in a breath of the cool, sweet air.

Lord Farleigh stepped into the Cathedral beside me, one eyebrow lifted, looking around. "True, I've heard that this is supposed to be his house, but I must admit, he's never in when I come to visit."

"You...!" I smacked his arm. "You shouldn't say things like that!"

"Why not?"

"Because... because..." I fumbled for an answer.

"Because you still need me to marry the two of you," came a dry voice from nearby, and from behind a few columns stepped out a slender man with a fine-boned face and wearing a long robe in deep red, white and black and a collar that left little doubt as to his profession.

"Ah, bishop." Letting go of me, Lord Farleigh performed nodded at the man. "So nice to see you again."

"I can't say I feel exactly the same." The bishop gave a small smile to my groom, and a much bigger one to me. "Won't you introduce me to the young lady? I don't believe I've had the pleasure."

"Of course." Lord Farleigh gestured between me and the Cleric. "James, this is my bride, Cassidy McKinney. Miss McKinney, please allow me to introduce you to James Haddock, the Right Reverend and Right Honorable the Lord Bishop of London. He used to be a tutor of mine at Cambridge."

"Very pleased to meet you." The bishop extended a slim hand, and I carefully took it.

"Um... likewise. So... you are Right Honorable?"


"Why not left?"

He sighed. "Belief me, I've been asking myself the same question ever since I was appointed to the post." Shrugging, he glanced at Lord Farleigh. "But I suppose it's important for at least some people to be honorable, regardless of whether they do it right or left, with men like him running around in the world spreading chaos and destruction."

"Fair point," I agreed, trying not to smile.

"Does the moral speech cost extra?" My groom inquired.

The bishop shook his head. "No, it's completely free of charge. Unlike the wedding." He shot my dear husband-to-be a look that made very clear how well their teacher-student relationship had worked, back in the day. "You really intend to get married? It's not just a late April Fool's joke?"

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