35. Endangered Fairies

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E.W. Winslow spotted with date! Is New York's most eligible young bachelor off the market?

The headline greeted me a few days later when I opened the paper at the breakfast table. Not my own breakfast table, mind you. No, as attested by my windswept hairdo and the ridiculously happy grin on my face, I had stayed the night over at Elliot's place.

My grin slipped a little when I saw the article, and my eyes went wide.

Rumor has it that E.W. Winslow, New York's hottest single man ever has been finally snatched up! Confidential, trusted informants of our paper spotted the man who makes money just by breathing coming out at Carleone's Café with a female companion they were unable to identify. Who is the mystery woman? Just a fling? A one-night stand?

Well, if she is, she would be the first in a long time. Never in his life has Mr. Winslow been known to get off the throne of uncrowned king of New York Society to spend his precious time on a woman. Can this be something serious?

We will keep you updated, as always!

"Ah, so they've finally caught on, have they?"

Looking around, I saw Elliot standing behind me, one eyebrow lifted in amusement, looking down at the paper. "I thought they would have spotted you before now. But they had probably given up on watching me when they realized I don't do dates."

"You do them with me," I mused, one corner of my mouth going up.

"Ah... but you are a special case."

"Am I, now?"

"Oh yes."

Slowly, I put the paper down on the table. The breakfast already lay there, forgotten. "How special exactly?"

He considered this for a moment. "Very special."

I lifted a questioning eyebrow. "Special enough to take a little time out of your busy schedule for me?"

"Hm... I don't know... I've got a meeting at eight."

"It's only seven."

Leaning forward, he stroked one long, sensual finger down the side of my face. "I know. But what I want to do with you will take at least an hour and a half."

My heart, already hammering hard, sped up some more.

"It will, will it?"

"Oh yes, indeed."

"And what do you have in mind?"

His lips graced my cheek next, in the exact same place his finger had touched. The hypersensitive spot on my cheek tingled with heavenly bliss and dark promise. "Hm... I don't know whether I should tell you."

"Is it classified?"

"Not classified. Just very, very dirty."

His lips nipped at my earlobe, and I almost expired right then and there.

"Then I..." Suddenly, my voice was all breathy and uneven. I tried again. "Then I definitely want you to tell me!"

"Oh... is that so?"

"Yes! Right away!"

"Your wish is my command." And pressing his lips to my ear, he whispered dark secrets into it. My knees buckled. He caught me and gathered me up against his chest.

"Well?" Elliot raised one sensual, slender eyebrow. "Are you ready for this?"


"Then hold tight."

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