Prince of Kights Chp28

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Salam alikum everyone, how are you guys? So I updated, hope you guys like and enjoy it. The chapter continuous from where Faris and Raghad are traveling to Rashideen tribe to meet Badr, on their way, Raghad was about to fall on some dangerous looking shrubs but Faris saves him. This chapter starts from there. 

Forgive me for  the grammar and spelling mistakes, its been such a long time. I had to urge my brain to extreme levels just to write this one. Writer's block is a curse :( 

Ps: Support The Rogue 


~*"Life, deal gently with her ... Love, never desert her" ~*

Faris clenched his hand that once held her. Having the daughter of his foe so close to him incensed his senses. The knight did not desire to be here. It was she, this imprudent woman and those eyes that so tortuously resembled honey provoked him to make such a decision. If he had not glanced at Raghad back then, Faris knew he would never travel to the Rashideen tribe. He would, in fact, demand for Badr's attendance and question him in front of the elders. However, prince of knights did glance at her and in that moment against his will, he spoke the words Faris regretted the most.

With a frustrated sigh, the groom turned his back on Raghad and made his way down the sand dune. There was a deadly storm within him that threatened to consume his heart. It disturbed Faris when she managed to converse with him without any undesired remarks. The conversation did unsettle him a bit. Then again, it did make him feel somewhat tranquil.

Faris shook his head and ran a hand down his face. He knew Badr was guiltless. The man would never endanger his beloved sister's life. It was he, Badr, who had dared to glare Faris in the eyes. It was he, Badr, who threatened to behead Faris if he so much as brought tears in his sister's eyes. The knight knew he could have made his men believe him even without this ridiculous journey if only he had not glanced at her.

Raghad trailed behind him once her thrashing heart lulled into a gradual melody after uncountable enticements. Every step she took drained her of energy, her senses were awake but the conflicts throughout the day and now this encounter absorbed life out of her body. If only she had been cautious enough this would not have occurred.

Lost in her mental battle Raghad did not discern how the wind whirled around her. It was not only her gullible heart that clawed against her bust, it was also the heart of the wind that blushed like a new bride. Up ahead, the crescent moon quivered and sought warmth from the nearby stars. A murmur swam among the stars for they knew another parchment of fate had just unfurled for the groom and his unwanted bride.

Raghad took note of how her sandals crunched pebble stones as they moved forward in the hushed night. After a prolong while, they entered a mountain valley with dry shrubs that dotted the plain land, nothing else could be seen other than the mountains and a few isolated trees now and then. The bitter cold and darkness made things rather complicated, her skin felt as if she had coated it with frozen water her fingers had transformed into a ghastly pallid complexion.

An hour slithered over the sand that is when Faris came to an abrupt halt. Raghad stopped alongside her spouse and gazed in wonder at the astounding canyon ahead of them. Her eyes followed the moon's dim light that descended upon the palm trees which decorated the oasis. What robbed her of her breath was the gushing of crystal clear water from underneath rocks just like the first streaks of a rainbow that splits through the clouds after a heavy rain. The gurgling sound of the stream brought peace to her mind and a sudden smile graced her lips.

Raghad took a step forward and squinted her eyes to have a clear vision. A soundless breeze fiddled with the hem of her jalabiya and rattled bushes around her. As her sandals crunched tiny stones owls in the palm trees rotated their heads to peer at her. Crickets seized their chirping and the stream pacified its gushing for they had not had a visit from a while.

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