Prince of Knights Chp25

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Salam my readers, insha'Allah all of you are well. Enjoy this chapter =D 


~*Set your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames." Rumi~*

After a prolong while Raghad wandered around the tribe astray, with the bowl of butter clutched in her sweaty palm. She did know where to proceed or what to commit. There was a deep frown between her brows and a petrified countenance knitted on her face. She desired to ask the tribesmen but was apprehensive that her actions might cause another wave of wrath from her unwanted spouse. Raghad glared at the camel fence Faris had mentioned. However, there were no houses nearby. Did he premeditatedly misguide her?

Indignant and agitated the bride pivoted around ready to return to sheikh Mubarak's house, but a vexed growl escaped her lips when she recalled that she was unaware of the path that led to the house. Where was Bu Hammad when she needed his aid drastically? Where were the Rashideen knights that her beloved Badr stationed in this tribe to shield her? Rage and horror crawled at her heart like ravenous spiders. Raghad gathered her gown in her free hand and sat on her feet, contemplating what to do.

Seconds prodded their fingers into the sand and tugged out minutes. Raghad commenced to move her form back and forth with her bottom lip rolled between her teeth and eyes narrowed. Why has Umm Faris not sent someone for her aid? She was certain the hours she was away were more than two prolong hours.

"Masha'Allah. It is indeed a sublime place to sit and gaze at the camel herds with a bowl of butter in hand and no brain." Raghad grit her teeth at the voice that sounded from behind, she was well aware who was the owner of that gravelly voice that sounded like a faraway thunder. "Did I not apprise you where the house was located? Then what on earth are you doing here, woman?" Faris's sandals crunched stones and sand grains under his feet as he ambled to her then halted in front of his bride.

She turned her head away from his sight still on her feet and heard the brute sigh in displeasure. "Rise on your feet bint-ash-shiekh." Raghad rebuffed to look at him, there were unfathomable sentiments in her thumping heart. She could not decided whether she was revolted from his presence, or relieved.

"I do not need your aid." She responded in a dour tone.

"Is that so?" The bride only had few seconds to comprehend as to what occurred. In a trice, his sturdy hands encased around her arms and he hoisted Raghad's form up effortlessly. Faris glowered when she yelped then glared at her. "If you behave like a child how will you endure this tribe, this life?" He jeered, eyes narrowed into slits.

Raghad opened her mouth to verbalize words but remained hushed. She knew the beast of a man was indeed correct. If only she had requested the tribesmen to aid her, they would have helped Faris's spouse without even a second thought. It was that imperious conceit in her that refrained her. She lowered her gaze, inhaled and then became aware of the large hands that still swathe her arms. Raghad tilted her head back to peer at him, what she witnessed in his pitch-black eyes caused a shiver to caress the length of her spine.

His eyes, those inky eyes that always seem to ignite with detestation brimmed with an emotion she was unaware of. Raghad could have sworn the look he displayed on his prepossessing face was almost like he empathized with her. Faris al Fursan never unveiled any feelings towards her, at this a prompt wave of vertigo rammed needles in her brain. Raghad's throat went dry as if she swallowed a handful of sand. She stepped back from his grip and Faris let his hands fall on his sides.

"Come, I shall escort you to the house." He turned his back on her. "Do not fall behind woman." With that Faris proceeded ahead and Raghad peered at his retreating form yet once again. With a sigh she followed him, away from the fence towards the houses.

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