Chapter 2

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Xenaida Aguirre

I paid to the driver and went inside the market, it's your average grocery shop. But in my case, the nearest out of all of them.

I pulled a cart from the rack and went to the junk foods section. Bear with me, I'm a sucker for these.

I took 5 to 10 pieces of all my favorite chips and went to the yogurt alley, I went ahead and took 20 big ones and put them all in my cart.

With a goofy and satisfied smile, I walked towards the cereals section and got myself some Cookie Crisps and Koko Crunch. I obviously got the big ones.. and 2 of each..

I went to the powdered milk section and took the heaviest pack with me, then I went to the processed food refrigerator.

I got some hotdogs, ham, bacon and tocino. Just near to these are the eggs, I took two dozen large sized eggs and also went to the sugar rack and took a 1kg washed one.

I stared at my almost-filled cart and remembered I needed some actual meal so I went to the meat section and asked for some ground beef and some beef minces along with chicken drumsticks.

I feel like there's still something missing... I suddenly remembered that I needed some cooking oil and other condiments so I went and got them.

I obviously have a large appetite so I really have to restock as much as I can, I also went and took some biscuits and chocolates and-- Okay.. I think that's enough. My cart is already overflowing.

I almost struggled to push my heavy and filled cart, thankfully despite all my junk intake, I take good care of myself and still do some swimming.

I waited in line as I saw everyone, and I do mean everyone, staring at my cart. I actually love it when my cart is as filled as this, this means a lot of calories! I mean, this means I won't be hungry.

Once it was my turn, the cashier asked if it was my time of the month. I tilted my head a little, pretending I couldn't comprehend. "Yeah? It's my time of the month to do some grocery shopping" I replied with a silly grin.

She laughed a little loudly but quickly regained her composure, "Ah, I'm sorry ma'am. I'll scan these now" she said with a smile.

I smiled back and nodded to which I noticed her slight blush. "It's fine, your laugh sounded pretty" I said simply, looking at her directly.

She stopped for a moment and looked at me, only to find herself blushing even more that she had to cover her cheeks with both hands.

"T-Thank kyou" she said, almost half squealing, I shook my head softly with a small laugh. "You're welcome"

She quickly went back to doing her job and continued scanning my items, I turned when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, man. What are you doing flirting here?" a guy with unruly hair asked me rudely, the cashier almost turned her head to look at us but I stopped her from doing so and told her to just continue.

"If that had seemed like flirting to you then sir, I'd like to inform you that you're greatly deluded. Please refrain to talking to people to avoid spreading your delusions" I replied with a smile, he raised his hand and jabbed at me but I caught his fist with my palm.

"Also, if you're going to punch someone, make sure it's not so obvious otherwise this'll happen" I stopped talking and used his own fist to punch him.

He fell on his bum, "U-Um.." I looked back at the cashier lady with a smile before she told me the amount. I reached inside my pocket for my purse and got the amount she asked for.

"Thank you for your purchase" she said with a smile before I walked away with bags in my hand.

As I was about to walk out the doors, I bumped into a girl who fell to the floor.. along with my groceries.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed before getting up and started picking up the fallen items. Thank god they look okay..

I smiled at her and offered my hand, she took it and I helped her up. "It's fine, just be careful next time" I said and then went to picking up my stuff.

Thankfully, the plastic bags didn't rip so I put them all back inside. I looked back at the girl I bumped and she was watching me the whole time.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, she quickly shook her head. "It's nothing.. I just--"

....My heart... why is it so fast? I-It's painful.. D-don't tell me.. is she..

"..Urk.. gguuhh.." she groaned in pain, her knees wobbled and she fell to the ground. Oh no..

Xen, Xen! Control yourself, control, control control control control control control control..

I took a deep breath and took all the bags and helped her up. DON'T BEEATHE DONT BREATHE DONT BREATHE WHATEVER YOU DO DONT BREATHE.

Fuck should I call a cab.. but that's my only option.. ah shit!

I looked around and saw the people around me slowly losing their senses after smelling her pheromones.

A cab stopped right in front of us and I carefully put her inside and went as well. I stared at the driver and luckily.. they're not an alpha.

"Is she okay? Is she having her heat?" he asked, looking through the rearview mirror. "Yeah.. it seems so" I replied, trying not to catch a whiff of her scent.

"Can you hurry I'm gonna die I'm trying not to breathe" I said quickly, the driver stepped on the gas and zoomed back to my house.

I carried her and the driver helped me bring my bags to my unit, I gave him some tip and went inside with the girl.

I quickly went to my closet and got my gas mask and laid her on my bed. "Uh.. are you okay? Do you have your suppresants?" I asked her. She was writhing in pain.

"..Y-You're.." she struggled, "Please.. help.." she said, panting. She suddenly tried to get up and accidentally shoved my gas mask off.

I caught a whiff of her scent, it's sweet. It smells so sweet and poisonous, like touching her would be the end of me.

I felt my clit throb, wait.. no way is she really.. my soul bond..?

I felt the rut come incredibly fast and I lost all sense of reason. I just found her wimping in pain and spreaded her legs for me. Her pussy drenched with love fluids, so warm and slippery.

I shoved my hardened clit inside her and felt immense pleasure as if I'd found the one I've always been looking for. She got up on all fours and I moved her hair away from her nape.

"Are.. you sure..?" I asked, half moaning as she matched my rhythm. I could feel her insides tighten everytime I ram her harder so I do.

I leaned over and fondled her breasts which perfectly fitted in my hand, she was moaning loudly, screaming and gripping on the sheets.

I moved closer to her nape and slowly.. slowly.. gently.. licked it but the closer I got the stronger her scent had become and I just realized I had bitten her hard.

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