Chapter Four-Trust Issues

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Curtis woke before Dion. He watched her sleep in the way that he always did. She was a wonder of the world, a rare breed of female. She coped with all of Curtis's shit, and didn't stop impressing him with her body. He knew she loved him deeply, and every day he fell harder for her.

With a parched throat, Curtis rose from the bed carefully and tucked the duvet around Dion's body. He walked out of the room and went to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water before drinking it. He walked around the apartment, his eyes falling on the hoodie that lay on the floor.

He'd heard of stories about Tyler, he'd only seen him afew times himself. But each of those times he'd seen the way he looked at Dion. He'd seen his slimy eyes run up his girls body and mentally undress her. 

He felt anger rush to his head. He stormed into the bedroom and pulled the duvet off of Dion.

She squirmed and sprang up quickly, "Curtis! What the fuck?!"

"Is this his?!" He yelled.

"What?" Dion rubbed the sleep away from her eyes.

"Is this Tyler's?!"

"Curtis what are you in about?"

"This!" He yelled, throwing the hoodie at her.

"I don't know who's this is!"

"Well you walked in with it on! Have you been sleeping with someone else?!"

"No!" She yelled. "Listen to yourself Curtis!"

Curtis began to get dressed, "I'm going out."

"No, don't leave like this Curtis." Dion reached and grasped his wrist.

He pulled it away,"I'll be back later, don't wait up."

He wouldn't look at her whilst he zipped up his hoodie. He slammed the bedroom door as he walked out. Dion flinched as she heard the front door slam shut. She knew he had trust issues, but she hadn't done anything. She didn't want to think about what he was about to do, but she couldn't help but let her mind wonder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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