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Dion's POV.

It was another day.

Dion rolled over onto her front, feeling the cool, untouched fabric under her naked chest. She reached out blindly, her crystal blue eyes were still clasped shut. When she didn't feel her boyfriend's body, she sat up.

She rubbed her eyes with her hands and held the duvet to her body. There was an uncomfortable chill settling in the room. It took seconds for her eyes to adjust to the early morning dimness.

Dion got out of bed and absently yanked her boyfriend's shirt over her dainty, curvy body. It just about covered her round ass and fell over her pulp breasts. She found herself standing infront of the mirror.

She tied her braided black hair up into a bun. Dion trudged out of the bedroom and stopped herself when she heard hushed voices in the living room. She stood by the door and listened with all the power that she could.

Dion recognized her man's voice instantly, he'd always been terrible at whispering, "She's gon' wake up soon, hurry up."

She felt sick.

Who did he have in there?

She walked back to the bedroom and pulled some skinny jeans over her thick thighs and walked back to the living room. Only this time, she didn't stop herself.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She burst into the living room, her small hands tightly squeezed into fists.

"Surprise!" Everyone cheered and held up birthday banners and smiled at her. Her mum had a glass of a wine in her hand, she was stood in her father's arms with a bright smile.

Curtis walked over to Dion, "Happy Birthday, girl." He said, smiling and cupping her face. He paused, his dark eyes examining her face, "You don't seem so happy."

"You have no idea how fucking happy I am." She grasped the material of his blue shirt in her fists. "I thought you were having an affair."

"What?" He chuckled, his low husky voice echoing. "Baby girl why would I cheat when my shawty is right here?"

She pouted softly, "I dunno, maybe because you found someone with a fatter ass or something."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and cupped her ass cheeks,"Hm, nah, I prefer this ass right here, not some other bitch's fake ass."

"You dork." She smiled and pushed him away and went over to her parents.

"Happy 21st birthday D." Her dad wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her forehead.

"That's Paps," She smiled brightly.

Everyone began to give her birthday gifts and cards, even her boyfriend's gang members bought her stuff. Dion thanked everyone with a kiss on the cheek and a secure hug around their necks.

Curtis took her hand and guided her away from the crowds of her and his family, "I ain't given you my present." He said, taking her waist.

"I know, I'm waiting." She smiled cheekily.

"Cheeky," he said, leaning down and brushing his chapped lips against hers softly, "Mine comes with abit of a question though girl."

"Oh?" Dion felt her eyebrow raise.

She noticed that people were lingering in the doorway, cameras and phones in their hands. She heard the knock on the door but ignored it.

Curtis went down on one knee and fiddled with a ring in his hand, "Dion Johnson, will you be my-"

"Curtis Jackson!" A rough voice bounded into the kitchen, a man dressed in police uniform following. "You're under arrest for heavy armed robberies and drug abuse."

The police grabbed her boyfriend and hauled him to his feet.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be held against you in court."

"C-Curtis." Dion felt the tears roll down her cheeks, a wave of panic thundering threw her body.

"Ima come back for you!" He said, meeting her eyes with an earnest tone. "You'll be safe, I swear baby, I love you!" He yelled, being dragged from their small apartment.

Her birthday had been perfect, until her boyfriend was taken

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