Baby, It's Cold Outside (and Inside)

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I shivered in my puffy rose North Face coat, wishing we could turn the heat up, but it was kind of imperative for Crystal, or Killer Frost's, as she was known by in the villain world, survival. She was making the tops of our drinks freeze over as a joke, but it had long lost its humor...I was used to the gut-busting, rib-cracking funnybone ticklers of my man.

"Mister J!" I wailed, sobbing, and all the women in the room turned to give me (ha ha) frosty glances.

"Men!" spat Crystal; I knew she was a man-hater - she'd been rejected by her professor, Martin Stein, locked herself accidently in their thermafrost chamber, and reemerged as her villianess self.

"Aw, Crystal - don't be so ice-hearted," Peyton kidded.

"Men are like puppets - you just have to know what strings to pull...or buttons to push." She winked, giggling at her naughtiness, and I cuffed her shoulder, padded by her daisy-yellow coat.

"Not all men are that simple." The woman who spoke had dark, slick hair, thin lips blood-red and fine, dark eyebrows that slanted a little. She wore a long, belted cashmere coat with a big, dark fur collar and glossy black, over-the-knee calfskin boots.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Talia Al'Ghul. She wrinkled up her nose and I watched her eyes go slitted in jealous hatred.

"She used to be Bruce Wayne's secretary. She fell in love with him, and wanted a non-professional relationship - a little bedroom time, if you get my drift -...."

"Bruce Wayne's so hot! Who wouldn't?"

"But," Talia continued, "when she made her move - something daring and sexy and outrageous, I've heard, but I wasn't there, so I don't  know specifics - he rejected her! Turned her down flat - as flat and cold and hard as polite Bruce Wayne can ever do -."

What an intrieguing story! I was thoroughly curious. So I approached her, rock-solid frozen cupcake in hand.

"Hi, I'm Harley. Harley Quinn."

"My name is Mia...and I can make people bleed just by looking at them.

My Boyfriend Is a Psychopathic Clown: Harley Quinn's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora