Chapter 33: The Point

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Reine sat in an uncomfortable wicker chair on the outdoor terrace of Maison Bleue overlooking Lake Geneva. Colorful geraniums overflowed from the window boxes on the exterior of the Alpine-style restaurant, and a warm breeze blew over the water's calm surface. The sky glowed in a reddish-orange as a precursor to the impending sunset, illuminating the smiling faces of her companions.

Noor's parents were just as she'd imagined them. Highly intellectual, but just as modest, the Hamads couldn't stop telling their favorite anecdotes about their only child's younger years. Sitting next to his fiancée, Mal laughed at the right moments and questioned all of the pertinent details.

He was playing the role of future son-in-law to a tee.

Reine pushed the remainder of her portobello risotto around the bottom of the ceramic bowl mentally cursing Noor for threatening elopement in order to force her to come along. She loved the girl like a sister, but being surrounded by the epitome of a perfect family was the last thing she needed right now. Entering the last trimester of her pregnancy with no more of a support network than when she fled the US for England, the happiness around her made Reine even more cognizant of her own lack of it.

She hadn't seen or heard from Max in weeks, not since he hastily cleaned himself up and drove away from her home after taking a warranted, but still unnecessary beating. Gabe had also laid low since, not even attempting to apologize for his aggressive actions. It was only through Mal she'd found out he was even more deeply entrenched within the Order of Westminster, attending high profile events at the side of none other than Lord Emery Wescott himself.

"May I bring the dessert menu?" asked the petite waitress as she stopped to clear the table.

With the conversation already interrupted, Reine took the opportunity to stand. "If you'll excuse me, I need to move around a bit. I'll see you all back at the hotel," she said.

"Are you sure, my dear? We can skip the sweets and accompany you, if you'd like." Nadya Hamad turned away from her daughter upon hearing her announcement. The woman with the huge brown eyes and skin like caramel had shown genuine affection toward Reine from the moment they met, and her concern now sounded just as sincere.

Reine smiled. "Thank you, but that's unnecessary. Please, stay and enjoy the rest of your evening." She turned before any other objections could be raised and headed off the restaurant's property.

Strolling along the lakefront didn't prove to be the distraction she was hoping for. Happy couples were everywhere - jogging, biking, or walking hand-in-hand - as if they were purposefully mocking her loneliness. Ready to admit defeat in trying to find some solitude, Reine was about to turn toward the hotel when a nearby dock caught her eye.

Blissfully empty and far enough from the bustling promenade, it seemed the perfect spot for her to clear her mind.

Walking along the wooden jetty, she stopped just inches from the end. Although the sides were secured with railings - and also decorated with the same red and pink flowers seemingly present in the entire city - the tip of the raised structure remained open to allow boats to dock. Several feet below, the clear water gently lapped the thick, pine beams with a monotonous - and strangely soothing - sound.

Closing her eyes, Reine let the last few seconds of the day's sunshine wash over her body. It warmed her skin, travelling down from the top of her head to her bare ankles as the sun dipped below the horizon. Lost in the moment, she slowly lifted her arms at her sides until they were perpendicular to the ground. The gentle breeze made her feel like she could fly, but the distinctive algae-tinged smell of the water, combined with the faint splashing sounds reminded her what was waiting at the bottom.

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