Chapter 15.1: The Hospital

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After spending what seemed like an eternity outside the ER, a nurse eventually ushered Reine to an upstairs waiting area. Once there, she sat alone for another hour and twenty-three minutes before the adjacent back door to the operating rooms opened.

"How is he? Is he going to be okay?" she asked as she jumped up to meet the approaching doctor.

The man in blue scrubs took off his disposable surgical cap. "Are you family?"

"No, his parents are abroad, and I don't know of any other relatives he may have," Reine said, biting her lip.

"Well, then all I'm legally allowed to tell you is the surgery went well, and Mr. Moran will be good as new in a few weeks. But I'm sure that's all you wanted to hear, anyway," he added with a smile.

Reine smiled and took a deep breath. "Oh, thank you so much. Can I see him?"

"He's still in recovery, but he should be awake from the anesthesia in about an hour. I'll let the nurse know to tell his sister what room he's in once they move him."

"But he doesn't have . . .," she began, before realizing his meaning. "Ah, thank you again, doctor."

The next three-quarters of an hour passed by quickly now that he was going to make it. The promised nurse even got her early.

Walking into Gabe's room, a lump unexpectedly formed in her throat from seeing all of the tubes and wires still attached to him. She quietly stood at his bedside, not sure if he was fully awake. "Hey there."

Rolling his head to face her, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Hi."

His voice was hoarse, but she was just happy to see him conscious. Taking his hand between hers, she lifted it to her lips. "I thought I had lost you. Don't scare me like that again."

He closed his eyes and swallowed. Looking up at her again, his face was serious, but his voice was full of mischief. "I do have some bad news. I'm not sure if you can continue to date me once I tell you."

Reine cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? What's that?"

"I was still pretty drugged up, but I think the doctor told me he had to take out my spleen. I'm not even sure what that is, but I hope it wasn't too important."

"No spleen, huh?" She pouted theatrically. "I don't know. That was one of my favorite things about you. You had quite a sexy spleen."

He laughed along with her, and Reine was now positive she'd made the right decision regarding him. She briefly let go of his hand while she pulled up a chair next to the bed.

"I've been thinking. We should go away. Take a bit of a break from all of this. What do you say?" She caressed his arm.

He slowly nodded. "All right. Where to?"

"I was thinking London. No language barrier, lots of people to get lost among, and I have an apartment there. We can go as soon as you're discharged."

"That sounds perfect. I'd kiss you right now, but I can't seem to be able to lift my head," he said.

Reine leaned over him and gently touched her lips to his. He contently closed his eyes, and she watched him fall asleep. She also dozed off because some time later, a pair of hands gently touching her shoulders startled her awake.

"Reine," Max whispered from behind.

His unexpected appearance made her jump. "How did you know where to find us?"

He smirked. "It's what I do, remember?"

Hopefully he was there to deliver some reassuring news. "Did you catch her?" she asked.

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