Chapter 16.2: The Ring

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Standing motionless with her back to the drunken thug, Reine surveyed her surroundings. There weren't any windows that looked onto the alley, and there was only one way out.

"You should have stayed on the main road," he continued, and she could tell by the volume of his voice that he was getting closer. "There were CCTVs everywhere out there. But here, well, here it's just you and me."

"That's exactly what I was counting on," she whispered before turning around and running at super speed behind him. He didn't even have a chance to face her before she kicked him in the crotch. Collapsing in pain, he drew his knees up and rolled onto his side.

"Aaagh! You crazy bint!" he screamed.

"That's for being a pain in the ass back in the pub." She kicked him in the stomach. "And that's for being stupid enough to follow me."

"You're going to pay for that!" he continued to yell, pushing himself up on his knees.

Not waiting for him to regain his footing, Reine punched him in the nose before he had a chance to stand. "You may want to wait with the commentary because I'm not done yet. Where was I? Oh, yeah. That was for all the times in the past that you harassed anyone. And this is for when you may want to do this again in the future."

She hit him squarely in the jaw.

Shaking his head, he spit a mouthful of blood to the ground before jumping to his feet. Raising his fists, the young man was now fuming. "Big mistake, darlin'. No woman is going to best me.

Reine smiled. "Wow, you really are thick, aren't ya'? Don't you see I'm a lot faster than you?"

In the blink of an eye, she was already behind him.

He continued to stare into the empty alley in front of him. "What the fuck?! How did you do that?" he asked in a daze.

"I'm a lot stronger than you, too," she said, picking him up from behind and raising him over her head.

"What in the . . . ?" His bewilderment left him speechless.

Reine laughed. "Wanna get down?"

"Yes! Yes! Put me down!" he pleaded.

"My pleasure." She threw him across the space and into the side of the adjacent building.

He was motionless for a few moments, but soon enough, his initial 'fight' reaction was replaced by the 'flight' urge instead. Unable to stand, he got on all fours and began to inch toward the street.

Reine knew she should stop, but the effects of the adrenaline flowing through her body were overwhelming. Following him, she delivered another sharp kick to the ribs and sent the thug back to rolling on the ground. He had stopped being one foolish man and had become a representation of all that was bad, instead.

"That was for all the times you've hurt me!"

She kicked again.

"For taking away my simple, wonderful life."

Two more kicks.

"For turning my best friend against me."

Another kick.

"And for killing the man that I loved!"

She raised her foot again, but seeing him cower made her reconsider. Slowly circling him, she finally took the time to catch her breath.

"Had enough yet?" she asked with disgust.

His only response was a muted wail.

"No? Not a problem." She grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him to his feet. "What's your name?"

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