Queen Aliza

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Yaseen's POV.

I went into the living room and saw my mom on her laptop and talking on the phone.

I walk towards the kitchen as I heard a loud noise like something fell.

"What's going on?" I ask. Aliza and Qulsum both turn to me.

Aliza manages to quickly straighten up while Qulsum of course was probably processing the situation.

"Aliza wanted food so-"

"It's not lunch yet. What are you doing?" I ask and she stares at me and then her mouth curves into a smile and I flinch and look away trying to regain my posture.

"Well Aliza guys have a different time and she's hung-"

"It's not lunch yet." I repeat.

"But we-" Aliza grabs my wrist and I turn back at her and pushed her away making her fall to the ground.

"Aliza! Are you alright?" Qulsum shrieks running towards her sister.

"Don't..don't touch me. Please." I whisper.

"I apologize." I say walking away.

I went up and to my balcony. I don't understand myself. Qulsum...I don't know what's going on right now. I keep feeling the urge to see her. She makes me so angry but at the same time I like her being in my presence.

I feel like I'm being pushed to her. As much as I want to keep her away I want her to stay close.

"Are you okay?" As if she had heard me she came in and I turned to see her slowly coming towards me. Yes I'm fine.

"Is your sister okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Why do you get mad when someone touches you?" She asks looking up at me.

"I just don't." I say and she takes a step closer.

"How about if I just held your hand?" She asks and I stare at her speechless.

"I'm not going to bite you." She says putting her tiny hands onto mine. She's so small and innocent.

My heart began to beat fast and I wanted to pull away but at the same time I didn't.

Again I'm getting close.

"Don't touch me!" I shout pulling my hand away aggressively.

I began breathing in and out with anger boiling up inside me.

"Stay away from me." I whisper and I looked at her innocent face. She was backing away with fear.

"I'm sorry." She whispers struggling to open the door.

Please don't leave. Enough of this crap.
I turned away and heard the door slam shut.

I shut my eyes and rest my head on the wall. I'm trapped.


"I'm going to work." I say and my mom turns to me confused.

"Right now?It's 6 pm"

I nod my head.

"I'm aware. I'll be back later. I won't make it for dinner. Salam Alaykum" I say heading towards the door.

And as I pass by the stairs my eyes land on Qulsum. She looked at me and looked away acting as if she had seen nothing.

I went towards her and she instantly got up, she begins to leave but I grab her arm.

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