Her wise words

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Yaseens's POV.

I couldn't stand there any longer. Her words were just ringing in my ears.

Something inside me.. A weird feeling. I wanted to smoke, but I won't.

I'm just so confused. Ever since she's come into my life everything just seems more complicating.

The things I'm saying are the complete opposite of what I really want to say. I've become into something I'm not.

I told her about my past. I haven't told a single soul. Here she is, as if she opened a book and read my story. It's been almost 2 months since we've met and she's already brought so much change.

I don't want this. I don't like changes, especially hers. However, my mom has become so much happier, smiling and laughing with real happiness not the fake ones she puts on when she's with some of her friends.

It's all because of Qulsum. I should be thankful. She's done something I couldn't do for years and she gave her happiness in less then a week.

Her happiness is all I've wanted. But what about me?

What have I become into. I know I've changed. I feel so confused nowadays.


Qulsum's POV.

It's so weird. Whenever I see him I just remember how he was that day. In so much pain like he was suffering. I feel the need to comfort him. To tell him it's gonna be okay. But he won't even talk to me.

But the last couple of days I noticed that he kind of looks at me. Not in a creepy way.

He zones out a lot too. Looks like he's reflecting on life.

"Where's my mom?" I flinch hearing him.

"Huh? Oh she's on the phone out in the garden." I say and he nods.

"What're you even doing?" He asks. Oh so now look who wants to talk.

"I was just watching them build the wall in that side." I say and he nods.

"I..here. I got you this." He says.

Literally before I even see what it is I felt so happy. The way he said it.

"I got you this" does he like me now?

Like we're cool?

He pulls out an Iphone box and puts it on the table.

"I already set the things up. It's locked to rogers if you want to change it let me know." He says and I stare at him.

"Oh thanks."

"It's because I broke yours the other day." He says. Our eyes locked and then I smile and he flinches and then leaves.

He's not so bad. Maybe he does like me now. But I still don't like him. I'm sympathetic towards him nothing more.

"Alright great." Ma says walking in with her phone.

"Look." I say showing her the phone.

"I'm a hundred percent sure I got you the silver one"

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