Moving on

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I slowly walk upstairs following Tariq up with aunty Amina behind me.

We reach the last door and Tariq stopped and opened the door.

"Here You are I hope it's big enough." He says and walks off as I look inside very cautious around my surrounding. I don't enter I just look. I feel a hand on my back making me jump.

"Go on,don't be shy." Aunty Amina says with a reassuring smile. I smile and nod and take a step in and she flicks the lights on.

I look at the room in awe. It's absolutely stunning. I turn to her.

"It's beautiful." I say and she smiles once more.

"I'm glad you like it. I better go down Before I forget to take my medicines." She says and before she leaves I take her hand and she turns to me.

"Thank you. " I say and she smiles and just looks at me.

"I wish I had a daughter like you. When I look at you I see a woman. I don't know your personal story but for some reason..never mind that. Sumi you are a beautiful and talented girl who deserves nothing but happiness. I know this is getting all cliche and cheesy but really.

I want you to treat me like your mom not step but just your mom. If there's anything you need whether it's some chocolate or travelling or a laptop or a new phone or anything please come to me or Yaseen."She says smiling.

My heart stopped. Sumi It's been awhile since I've heard anyone .. My mom called me that.Even My dad stopped calling me that. I needed to stay calm.

I sat there on the bed just figuring things out. It seemed to me that my dad has become blind of the fact that my mom is some sort of gold digger. Maybe he chose to ignore it?We're not even rich! She just uses up money like its free. Coming up with these stupid excuses and taking advantage of my dads naive character. If my mom were here she'd be disappointed to see this..corrupted woman whom I call my step mother.

Suddenly the door shut and I jumped in shock. I took a look at this intimidating man who stood in front of me examining me as I examined him. Tall and thin and some what fit. Tan fair skin and hazel eyes  with thick brown hair. I Looked away as I had no idea what was coming up next. I have never properly met or talked to this guy. We are complete strangers.

It felt like some suspense thriller movie. Except this time its real.

The guy cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets and stood right in front of me and looked down at me.

"That." He said pointing to my head. I looked at him confused.

"That.Remove it." He says. He was referring to my hijab. I had never showed my hair to any man. I wasn't feeling comfortable.

"I said remove it." He repeated this time with more force. Yikes.

"Now." He demands. His voice was very deep and manly.

To think he'd say Salam and make a normal casual conversation.

I unpinned it and got up to set them aside, but he stood right in front of me and I could not move until he moved, and so I looked at him once more and immediately looked away.

"I need to put um" I paused and raised my hand with the pins Trying to show him.

"I'm not stopping you" he says and his voice made me shiver. I swallowed hard.

I slid past him avoiding to touch him and putting them to the side.
I slowly let the hijab hang loosely around my neck. I felt cold and bare. As he turned to look at me. I blink multiple times and my breathing seems to get heavier. What is he trying to do? Check if I was bald?

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