Chapter : 8 From Tragedy to family.

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"𝑴𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌."

In the riveting conclusion, amidst the sterile confines of the hospital room where Jung Si lay, Do Wan's world was abruptly interrupted by the shrill ringtone of his phone. With a sense of foreboding, he answered the call, only to be met with the urgent voice of his assistant, Jin Suk, imploring him to return to the office posthaste. Today, of all days, held significance—it was his sister's birthday, an occasion demanding his immediate attention.

With a pang of guilt for leaving Jung Si without a proper farewell, Do Wan hastily departed for the office, his mind racing with the weight of familial obligations. Upon his arrival, Jin Suk's reminder of his sister's disdain for birthdays devoid of brotherly gifts spurred him into action. In a familiar ritual, he selected a teddy bear meticulously matched in size to his sister Eun Si, a token of affection in the midst of his clandestine existence.

Yet, their journey to the market was fraught with peril as they observed a shadowy figure tailing them, lurking in the periphery of their existence. Sensing the looming threat, Do Wan's instincts kicked into overdrive, prompting him to swiftly usher Jin Suk to safety as he braced for impact. With precision born of experience, he deftly maneuvered his vehicle in reverse, a calculated move to thwart the impending collision.

As chaos erupted in the wake of the collision, Do Wan remained composed, his keen intellect processing the unfolding events with a discerning eye. Though the explosion bore the hallmarks of foul play, he chose to bide his time, concealing his suspicions beneath a veneer of stoicism as he prioritized Jin Suk's well-being.

As they embarked on their journey homeward —a girl clad in the regalia of military authority, her form silhouetted against the urban backdrop. With a steely gaze and a sniper rifle trained with lethal precision, she orchestrated the demise of their pursuers with chilling efficiency. In that fleeting moment of orchestrated chaos, she cemented her role as a harbinger of clandestine knowledge, privy to Do Wan's dual identity as both officer and underworld kingpin.

This enigmatic figure, shrouded in the trappings of power and secrecy, held within her grasp the key to Do Wan's clandestine empire—a web of alliances and allegiances woven through the shadows of society. Her presence served as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between law and lawlessness that defined Do Wan's existence, hinting at the tangled web of intrigue yet to unravel in the labyrinthine depths of his world.

Introducing Do Wan, the protagonist of our story. By day, he's a lawyer and a member of Korea's Undercover Alliance. But by night, he's also the feared leader of 'The Wolfs' gang. Known as "WOLF," his ruthless nature strikes fear into the hearts of the underworld. He doesn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who crosses him, even beheading a supposed ally in front of his gang.

Do Wan's life takes a tragic turn when his family was killed in a plane bombing. Despite being the son of 'The Wolfs' leader, Kang Si Han, his father was actually a good man, striving to help the poor with their legal troubles. But in the harsh world of the underworld, kindness wasn't enough. To earn respect, one must be ruthless.

Jealousy simmers among rival gangs, but betrayal also lurks within 'The Wolfs.' Do Wan's own allies sell information about his family's whereabouts, leading to the fatal attack. When Do Wan overhears the plot, he's paralyzed by shock.

As Do Wan raced to the location where hi father's illicit planes were hidden, he was met with the grim reality of the aftermath -the flames consuming not just the aircraft, but also the lives of his beloved family. Despite the firefighters' attempts to restrain him, Do Wan's mastery of Kun Fu rendered their efforts futile, allowing him to breach the scene of devastation.

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