Chapter : 3 Mr. Saviour

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First, I deeply apologise for the delay.
The reason for the delay, I can't share it with you guys, cause it's embarrassing ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ. So again, I apologise for the delay. Hope you enjoy reading it.

Main FC's real name:- Jung Si

             Chapter : 3 Mr. Saviour

In the previous chapter, you all read that Si Woo was talking to her leader and her leader told her that Do Wan is not a normal lawyer, he is also an undercover agent named 'Weeoupleu'. She was shocked after hearing that but managed to recover from it but she got an even bigger shock when Do Wan come inside the room and said,

"Code no. 28 'Jung Si', are you done talking ? To our special leader."

Jung Si,

"How did you know who I was supposed to talk to? And how did you know my real name?"

Do Wan,

"If I don't know then who else will know, and what's more I do already know you. You were involved in 'Prime Hunters' case 3 years ago but you didn't reached there because you were also attacked by 4-5 goons at that time. Don't you remember?"

Jung Si,

"I remember, but where you were in that case? If you were there where the fight was going on, then sorry I don't remeber you, cause at that time, as you have said... Wait a min, how did you know I was going to get kidnapped by 4-5 guys?"

Do Wan grinned and went to his bag, opened the chain of his bag, and took out a mask, the mask's design was similar to Ken Kaneki's mask from Tokyo Ghoul anime, and Jung Si was trying to figure out what was happening? Seeing her puzzled and confused face, Do Wan asked,

"Do you remember something after seeing this? I think you know this mask's owner well, right? And now think that why I have this mask?"

Jung Si,

"Wait, wait, wait, wait wait, why do you have this mask? Did you kill its owner? Don't tell me it's your mask.
Even if you tell me, I won't believe it."

The reason why Jung Si was not believing this fact was because of the case 3 years ago.

3 years ago,

Jung Si was going home by her car in the evening as usual but suddenly, her phone started ringing, she picked it up. On the other side of her phone, the voice was like an old man's voice, and it was her leader.

Her leader,

"Si Woo, where are you now?"

Jung Si,

"I am in Incheon right now but why did you ask?"

Her leader,

"Incheon, that's great, it seems that today, God has sent you in the form of an angel. Haha, well Si Woo, our force is fighting in Incheon with 'Prime Hunters'. So we need some reinforcement and also take some ammunitions with you because they are short of ammunitions. 'Prime Hunters' were less in numbers from us but they got their reinforcement faster than us, and also they have trapped some of our soldiers so please rescue them. Good luck Si Woo".

The leader's phone was disconnected before Jung Si could say anything. She stopped her car aside and her phone rang. It was a message containing information about the undercover agents who were fighting with 'Prime Hunters' in Incheon.

Jung Si,

"Just once I get out of this situation, I will ask for double money from that wild dog. Anhhhhh..... It's that park, so I have to go there with reinforcement. But ummmm..... Okay, let's try to call the nearby branch, who knows, maybe I get some help from there."

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