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Jannat POV:

Right now I am standing in the kitchen but my mind is thinking about sahir. I never raised my hand on my kids but today I  slapped saahir so hard that his cheeks turned red.i was just scolding him for hitting innara but he started misbehaving with me.seeing his misbehavior,anger took over me and I slapped him.i know he deserves that slap but I am hurt for hitting him. he apologized but I denied to accept his apology because I am hurt with his misbehavior.

After returning from their room I started preparing the dining table.after a few minutes rayyan came and sat on the chair.immara also came and sat on his chair but I was waiting for saahir.he.didn't come so I asked rayyan.

I said: rayyan where is saahir??

Rayyan: mumma he said he is not hungry!!

I know he is lying .he.is.hungry but doesn't want to face me because he is feeling guilty for his actions.

Jaanat: go and call him here .

Raayan went to call him and after a few minutes he came back with saahir.his cheeks were slightly red and eyes were looking puffy.looks like he is crying since I came from their room.he came and sat on his chair.everyone started having their lunch.no.one.said a word while eating.innara went to sleep after lunch as it's his habit of sleeping in daytime for atleast 1 hour.raayan stood up.from his chair and asked me.

Rayyan: mumma can I watch tv??

I replied: first complete your homework

Rayyan: I will do it afterwards please.

I replied: fine but I want your homework done before your baba comes otherwise.i will tell him to help.you with your homework and tell your brother also to complete your homework.

I said to them. Sahir was looking at me with his teary eyes.his tears are hurting me!!!with a heavy heart I went to do my work!!!!

At 4 I was done with my household work.i.went to drawing room and saw that both my sons were watching tv peacefully.i went to innara to check.upon her. She was also sleeping peacefully so I also lay down besides her.sleep took over me.after an hour I woke up and went down.

In hall.

Inaara was playing with a remote control car along with saahir and raayan.looks like saahir and inaara are done with their fight. I scolded saahir but I want to talk to inaara also that she shouldn't fight with her elder brother.

I sat on the sofa.innara come to me and hug me tightly.

I said: innara what you did.tiday was not right??

Inaara: what did I do??

I said: you fought with your brother!! If I see you fighting with your brothers then I will send you to boarding school.( I lied just to scare her)

Innara: no no I won't fight with anyone!!(.she replied immediately)

I said: good and write this 30 times in your book that you won't fight with anyone.( She nods her head sadly)

I turned my attention towards my sons.e
They both were looking at me only the whole time.

I said: when are you gonna start with your homework??

Rayyan: after some time please...I will do it promise..

I turned my attention towards saahir.

I said: what about you???

Saahir didn't reply and.just came near me and hug me tightly.i also hugged him back.he started crying.

I said: why are you crying now??

Saahir:because y..you are n.not tal...talking to me and you are an...angry with me!!!(Crying)

I.said: I am not angry with you...stop crying!!!(I said while.wiping his tears)

After few minutes he stopped crying..

End.of POV:
Author POV

Saahir:mumma I am sorry for misbehaving with you!!!

Jaanat: it's okay(kissed his forehead)

Saahir: no I know you are angry...please forgive me I won't misbehave with you ever!!!

Jaanat: saahir you are so small and you are behaving like an aggressive person.i don't like it when my kids are fighting with each other or misbehaving!!

Saahir.kept looking down and didn't reply!!

Jannat: how can you hit your sister with compass box.what if she would have got severely hurt??

Saahir: mumma I am sorry

Jannat: if you promise to never repeat this again I will forgive you!!(said while caressing his hairs)

Saahir: i promise mumma!!I already apologized to inu.

Jannat: okay...I also forgive you!!

Saahir: thank you mumma(kissed her cheeks)

The door bell rang. Rayyan opened the door and zayyan entered.upon seeing his baba saahir got scared thinking that he will.scold him for hitting inaara and misbehaving with his mother

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