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(SUNDAY) The next day everyone woke up and had their breakfast together.the kids along with zayyan and zain went to the park .the ladies were preparing for lunch together.during lunch time,kids returned from the park. Everyone settled down to have their lunch.

At the dining table:

Jaanat:zai we will be leaving at 4 also we may get late.

Zayyan: late means?? approximately what time will you come back??

Jannat: maybe 8 or 9!!

zayyan: do take so much time.try and come fast before 7.

Zain: yeah zayyan is right.zaina we have to go back our home.we have to leave by 8 to reach on time.

Jannat: okay we will come before 7.

Zaina: yeah!!!

(Everyone continue with their lunch)

Time skip to 3:30.

In zayyan's room:

Jaanat: zai, rayyan has not completed his homework,please make him do that!!

Zayyan: why is it not completed yet?? I asked you to make.him do before only!!

Jannat: I told him but he was busy playing!!

Zayyan: fine. You take care and come soon!!

Jannat: yeah and.please.while making him do his homework don't scold him too much.

Zayyan:i won't scold him.happy??


( They exits the room and enters the room)

The ladies went to the mall and.before going jannat asked rayyan to complete his homework.Zain along with his son's went to theur room.zaayan was in the hall along with saahir and rayyan.

Zaayan:rayyan bring your book and come to my room.

Raayan:baba I will do the homework afterwards please!!

Zayaan:no...just come with your books

Rayyan: please please I will do it later.i want to play with saahir.(Whined)

Zayyan: NO

Raayan: baba please!! I will do it later!!

Zayyan: argue one more time and you will find my belt talking to you!!(Warned)

Raayan:okay i am bringing my book in your room!(Went to his room)

Zaayan:are you done with all your studies??

Saahir: yes baba!! Nowcan i please.watch tv.

Zaayan: okay but only 1 hour not more than that.

Saahir:okay baba.(Went to the drawing room)

Zaayan also went to the room.raayan was already in his room with books.

Zaayan: what is your homework??

Rayyan: tables from 2 to 10  2 times.

Zayyan: if this much homework.is remaining then what did you do on Friday night??

Rayyan: I was doing Marathi and English homework at that time!!

Zaayan: okay sit on the bed and do your homework.
(Raayan sit on the bed.zaayan also sits beside him)

Zaayan was working on his laptop.after 30 mins,he took rayyan's book to check.There were many mistakes in it.

Zaayan:what is the table of 3 you don't know??(Held his ears and gave it a firm twist)

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