Release Party PT.2

267 13 3

"Certain things," Reneé repeated, mirroring my words with a playful smirk. She scooted closer on the floor, her eyes locking onto mine with full attention.

"Kill me now," I mumbled under my breath, feeling like I had just walked into a nightmare.

"Oh, come on," she teased, nudging her watch to show me we still had plenty of time. "You've got 18 minutes to spill about your crush on me," she said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"What? No, I don't-" I stumbled into denial, but Reneé's smirk told me she wasn't convinced. "Sure, I think you're attractive. But that's not a crush. I think lots of people are attractive," I rambled, trying to deflect. Her smirk stayed put, making me squirm. "Okay, yes, I like hanging out with you, despite you driving me crazy. How could I crush on someone who annoys me like that??" I continued, but her expression didn't change, making me even more nervous.

"How long have we been stuck here?" I blurted out, hoping to change the subject.

"3 minutes," Reneé answered calmly, rising to her feet, her movements capturing my full attention. "So, you're saying you don't have a crush on me," she summarized, stepping closer with each word. "You just think I'm hot, like spending time with me, and find me annoying." She stopped right in front of me, crouching to meet my level, her smirk growing.

"Yeah," I said, my voice shaky, betraying my inner turmoil.

"Well," she sighed, gently pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, her touch sending tingles down my spine. Her eyes, glowing with that unique green, met mine, making my heart race. Now, closer than before, it wasn't just her eyes I was drawn to, but her lips seemed equally captivating. I couldn't help but let my gaze wander to them.

"I might have lied," I whispered, admitting more to myself than to her. Her lips twitched into a soft smile. "Yeah," I took a deep breath, our eyes meeting again. "I definitely lied," I admitted, feeling a rush of boldness. So, I moved away from the wall, bringing us closer together. Reneé's arms wrapped around me, and our lips met eagerly. She leaned back slightly due to her crouched position, but that only fueled our desire for each other.

With Reneé seated and me above her, our kiss intensified. Her hand cradled my cheek while the other rested on my waist, drawing me in closer. The chill of the freezer mixed with the warmth of our bodies created a sensation I hadn't experienced before, but it wasn't unpleasant, like, at all.

"You were definitely lying," Reneé remarked with a smile against my lips, her breath slightly uneven as she spoke.

"Shut up," I retorted playfully, feeling a surge of desire to be closer to her again. And she didn't waste a moment before pulling me back into a heated kiss. We stayed like that for a moment, the icy air around us forgotten, until I felt Reneé's hand on my waist shifting downward, her cold fingers brushing against my skin beneath my shirt.

"fuAh- your hands are freezing," I chuckled softly, feeling a shiver run down my spine at her touch.

"We are in a freezer," she pointed out with a grin, her breath creating small clouds in the air. "I promise they're not always like this," she added before leaning back in. This time, instead of my lips, she placed soft kisses along the side of my neck.

"They better not be..." I responded, my breath catching as her kisses sent shivers down my spine. "Reneé, I—" I began, but was cut off by a rumbling noise from outside the freezer. My attention wavered for a moment, trying to focus on the sound, but Reneé's kisses quickly brought it back to her. "Wait-wait, did you hear that?"

"MhWhat?" she murmured against my neck. But before I could respond, the sound grew louder, and closer.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath, pulling away from her and scrambling to my feet. "Someone's coming," I whispered urgently, watching as Reneé rose to her feet with fluid grace.

"Y/n?" a muffled voice called from outside. "You in there?" It was Mike's voice, though slightly distorted through the door.

"YeAh," I replied, my voice a bit too high-pitched as Reneé and I exchanged amused glances, struggling to stifle our laughter.

"Hang on, it'll be open in a sec. There's something wrong with the door, so the company's trying to open it remotely," Mike explained, his voice muffled but reassuring.

"Stand still," Reneé said, stepping in front of me with a mischievous smile. "You've got some of my lipstick on you," she chuckled, using her thumb to wipe my lips, then laughing as she found more on my neck. "And here too," she teased.

"You're one to speak," I laughed, noticing her own smeared lipstick. "Come here," I said, gently wiping the lipstick from her lips with my thumb. My gaze was fixed on her lips, but when I looked up, I found her eyes locked on mine, making it difficult to look away.

"Got it?" she asked softly as my thumb lingered on her lips. I simply nodded, feeling more inclined to kiss her again than to speak. And trust me, I planned on it. But just as our lips brushed together, the sound of the door opening interrupted us, causing us to hastily move apart as Mike entered.

"Mike!" I spun around to face him, my grin stretching from ear to ear. "Hi!" I chirped a bit too enthusiastically. He breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression turned slightly puzzled when he spotted Reneé beside me. However, he didn't dwell on it for long as he promptly ushered us out of the freezer.

"Thank goodness the bartender came looking for me to ask about the ice. Something glitched in the system, so I wouldn't have even known you were here," he explained, and Reneé and I exchanged wide-eyed glances of surprise.

"We kept each other warm, don't worry. You know, body heat and all," Reneé chimed in, and I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my cheeks. I nudged her discreetly with my elbow, trying to make her shut up, but it only made her giggle.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Mike exclaimed almost immediately. "Have you heard about that plane crash on the snowy mountain, with a whole soccer team in it? They had to resort to eating some of their teammates, can you believe that? Thank god you didn't have to do that, huh?" He joked, and I avoided Reneé's gaze, focusing on anything but her in that moment as I knew exactly where her mind was at. "Now come on, let's get you both back into the sun," he suggested, leading the way back up the stairs.

As I followed behind him, I felt Reneé's arms slip around my waist, pulling me back slightly once we were out of Mike's sight. She turned me around with a swift motion, capturing my lips in one last kiss. My lips tingled with a smile as she pulled away, leaving me yearning for more.

"Okay, now we can go back," she whispered, her smile infectious as she turned me back around to follow Mike.

Well, That's one way to kill time when you're stuck in a freezer.

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